At that point I really want to see your game. I didn’t know you could score less than 30 with a kill. For your information you need 40 points to gain a reward which is usually very easy to reach.
Usually killing someone will net you at least 100 points.
The only thing I could imagine is that you would have grazed 3 enemy for 5 damages netting you your assists and the third happened to have 5 hp left and died.
I run into these issues when playing some of the purposely forgotten and ignored weapons, like Nests and Threshers, and the scoring is kind of wonky at times, sometimes I manage to shoot 4 volleys of nests into a build and manage to blow off some structural parts, not enough score to gain any resources. Sometimes I manage to accidentally bump into another player and maybe take out a singular tire or bumper but get instadeleted, but for some reason gain resources
Some guns just are straight up not designed to get any scores, or are just so bad that they can’t gain scores like a weapon normally should under any logic
That i’m not surprised to see, when i first started i used what you use and often i would deploy them and nothing, the action would only pass through that place and never come back, nevermind similar scenarios with the same outcome.
Nevermind other aspects that make those weapons harder to use with good effect.
So, i would suggest to look to your rig and do some changes, it’s the piece that you will have more control over how you want to perform and try to go for a more aggressive posture, something on these lines.
It’s what i did.
I’m not saying to build exactly this builds. Try the concept of these builds and apply to your reality. Update your build, it’s what i’m saying.
It’s what i’m always doing.
Just quite recently i’m working at updating my Storm Chaser and hopefully Upgrading it
You get my point.
There’s a lot of bad games, in some i get suppressed so hard that i can’t do much but when i have the opportunity… And it’s not a definitive design, it’s yet in the prototype phase.
Thing is.
Play your strengths.
- They can immobilize anyone, regardless of weight
- They can be in a angle hard or impossible to hit once the build is in their grasp
Avoid your weaknesses the best you can ( with what you can, your build ) - they don’t move
- they are fragile
And all of this for the sake of better consistency.
it depends how much you actually do not how many kills or assists you get
IMO most of the score is based off of parts destroyed. So killing a flaming cab (1 part) and shooting a couple parts from a couple different enemies may not net the required 40 points.
You get points for doing stuff, honestly in that match you could have done a total of 3 damage. Why should you get more than the players who did the real work?
Not saying that was the case but hopefully you get the point.
To kill an enemy, you must kill the cabin. I killed Cabin. Yes, it is only one part. The most important part!
That part should be worth 30 points or more! 10 points first hit plus 30 points for killing a cabin = 40 points!
I can run over four turrets for 40 points! But killing a cabin means nothing?
That is idiotic scoring!
tbf a turret could kill you. A burning cabin on it’s own isn’t much of a threat.
I do get your frustration though, often in matches I look at my score and think, wtf… How did I only get a couple of hundred when I de-gun a few enemies and get some kills/assists. Usually happens with the more precision weapons… Spike-1, Median and Assemblers in particular seem to give remarkably low results for the amount of effort put in
A score of 26 seems like a super-rare occurrence. I’d like to see a video of that. Has happened to me too, maybe with just some assists, and it did seem that I should have gotten more points. But it probably only happens when you load into a patrol late, and the battle is almost over, so you can barely get on any of the remaining action, for any damage that’s left to be done…
I’ve never seen a PS that low before.
Rotorloser are so bad its hilirious
i downt this loser with literaly haveing only one wheel on the chassie
what do you expect from low tier noobs
It’s because he playes drones, and drones always target the cabin.
You don’t really get many points for damage, so your drones could do a relatively significant amount of cabin damage, but not generate many points.
Points are mostly from destroying parts and completing tasks (like capturing a base).
This dynamic is exaggerated at lower PS, as there are more exposed cabins, so drones hit less other parts.
You can also see how this works with weapons that damage the entire build (Jotuns, Incinerators, etc). Your scores can vary greatly, because if the enemy you hit dies (by your hand or your allies), you can get a lot of points, since you damaged every part. But if your enemy survives, you might get no points, despite damaging every part on their build.
That sounds like a garbage scoring system, youre just explaining it.
Yeah, I was replying to someone who was trying to understand how such low scores were possible when getting kills and assists.
The scoring system doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it also doesn’t really matter much to me. Even when I play drones, I can clear that 40 point barrier most of the time. Doesn’t impact my grind enough to make me mad.
But I do think that overall damage done should contribute more to scoring than number of parts destroyed.