I really hate these wrecks that get left behind after kills. They serve no real purpose other than some perks that can be easily worked around.
In reality all they actually do is litter the battlefield and block shots, particularly bad for cannons or other single shot weapons like x-bows ect, (actual skill weapons!) or end up getting stuck in front of or under builds.
I really hope we can go back to vehicles just exploding into 100 parts like before and just disappearing rather than this!
I personally kind of like them as you can hide behind them sometimes.
I love the wrecks.
Makes old maps have new cover to hide behind. Makes the game look way more apocalyptic. They’re fun to use as a mobile shield (if your build has enough power to pick one up and move it around).
I really don’t see any downside, except maybe for close range builds (but they need some downsides anyway).
Great topic by the way.
The wrecks are a love / hate relationship. Sometimes they can help you and at other time annoy the living *&%$#@ out of me!
At the end of the day I feel they add some immersion or realism to battle.
Not sure how to make them less annoying.
Cheers my mang!
I hate it when my victims get stuck between my teeth.
But, I’m into the ambiance and immersion too. The environment is one of my favorite things about this or any game, and I enjoy just about any development they make here along those lines. In fact these are the things I prefer to see from the game developers the most, like the destructibles, the fall of the Nameless Tower, the effect the Impulse Generator on the New Fuji map has on your exhaust pipes…I like these additions and developments probably more than I am entertained by all the new guns and modules, cabs and perks, etc.
I’d like to see sunsets in Adventure Mode one day. Night?
I think there’s work to be done. From that point of view I do like that they are there but make them so they don’t impact the game so much.
Getting killed because of getting wedged under a wreck is infuriating and should never happen, maybe there’s like a secondary destruction if it takes any damage. Pass through I think should be a thing, at least 50% given the integrity is all but gone so they can be used as cover but it doesn’t protect 100%.
I’ve also noticed the Yongwang grenades explode on impact, they should perhaps stop them or 1 blows up the wreck and the rest are free to travel?
Meh, maybe it’s a personal gripe.
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If you keep shooting the wrecks they do break up and go away.
I normally just plow through the wrecks, you just have to notice if the wreck is at an angle facing towards you, then you can get wedged, normally a couple of shots and the wreck goes away.
Push it to the side with your own build if you have ammo concerns.
It can be abused too if you layer your flat armor sideways and stack it if the middle pieces get shredded they stay on cause theres no place to go so you keep it till they break a blocking connection.
The worst is during Black Scorpions when I’m wasting shots on wrecks.
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Dont know if you know this but unexploded ammo case and genarator like a gasgen on a wreck stil explode on impact or shooting it the last time i rememberd (unsure if stil around) but it has cost me my own guns by pure my personal idiotcy how ever i had no ather option because the wreck was laying on my build and pushing me into ground / hampering my movement. So i was forced to shoot it off me. But end of the day i do like the wreck it adds a bit of Arcade Realism to the game how ever maybe they can work on some of the wreckage interaction with players sometimes its perfect and ather times its total annoyance. i think there is a problem with balance of this added thing to the game. Also i dont know if its possible to code Wrecks falling apart or get split in 50%± or 25% break off point in wreckage. When you T-Bone it at high speeds. I do like the added complications they give during combat but i can understand the frustration if something is stuck in you’re build to long. Nothing is as annoying to randomly be chained to something. (p.s i barely watch this forum but i do see you’re point)
14400 hours ingame last time i checked only 48 days i watched the forum while logged in but to my attention maybe less. this game has more issues i found which technicialy required a talk with a devolper and we as westeren playerbase kinda seem to be just a wallet. (ive already spend a few weeks trying to get a person to talk to). — maybe i should start acting like a village idiot — its depressing. p.s i dont know how long im gone stay around crossout with current situation in 2025. you are also 1 of the dinosaurs around here MudnBeer p.s i stil remember tusking you hahaha. sadly they nerfed tusk to oblivion a ramming cabine sigh it dont kill anything anymore or barely (i miss playing my bright red iconic tusk its collecting dust in my BP slot).
We need a macrophage cab that has tentacles that grab wrecks and slaps them on it’s back and uses them as armor.