Giveaways, promos, and redeemables

It is strange as the pack has been seen in the exhib and is an 80 part pack with a false cab.

Would be nice if you follow the link and try out if it work for you…i still stuck there somwhow. Errors and wrong browser…what is GFN at all? Why to play over this platform?

Here’s what I’m seeing via in-browser translation:

I was able to create the account, but I can’t seem to actually play via GFN.RU being in the US. I’d try VPNing in, but the VPN service I use doesn’t have any servers in Russia. The nearest servers I do have access to (in Bulgaria) don’t do it either.

That being said, when I followed through all the links from GFN.RU, it ultimately took me to the American GFN, which I’m able to run. I don’t have much confidence that playing through the US GFN will also give the reward, but it doesn’t hurt to try.


Thank you a lot! :slight_smile: Im in germany idk maybe thats why theres problems for me as well. They whant me to link my Steam account to them. Do you did this? Also i should choose a “membership”. Is this for free?

There is a free tier to the membership, as well as higher paid tiers. And yes, it does seem to go through Steam.

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personnaly, I don t receive the code

So for the GFN pack, it’s for Russia and “CIS countries”, and we need to create a GFN account, to link it with our Crossout account, and to play it from 15 December to 9 January, in order to get a code to redeem for the pack.

The link : Эксклюзивный набор Crossout & GFN.RU

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The link and the pack is RU and GUS states

So nothing for the rest of the world

Wonder if there will be a US version later.

When will it be available in the EU?

Just found out there’s another Twitch drops campaign going on! We’re a few days into it, but there should still be enough time to get all of the drops.

Details here: Twitch Drops are Back This December! - News - Crossout

Hmm…if a russian friend get the code for playing on GFN and gift it to me in EU can i even use the code?

Possible? Hard to say for sure.

I ask a friend from russia and he say that you need to buy a premium membership to get the pack for 1500 rbl…so 21 Euros round about. Free membership resets every 30 min he say…whats this about?

I can only go off the US version, but the free membership to GFN sucks. Constant lag, and it force logs you out once every hour, even if you’re in the middle of a match. Sounds like the Russian version is even worse.

Seems like a lot of work for a little reward, aka just a few new paints, holograms, stickers everything else you probably already own and could make this vehicle!

Hey Howlin! :slight_smile: Im a collector of rare cosmetics and this color i like a lot also the banner background in the pack. Idk playing crossout 5 hours with 10 min break after each 30 min seems not so much work for me…also waiting until you can start…friend tryed and is on place 223 now. Seems also limited. Very unique.

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If you want it that badly go for it, for me it isn’t worth the effort, now if I didn’t have to go sign up to some random app/site it be more appealing

@61760218 It’s not really random it’s geforces cloud gaming platform.

It’s random to me, may not be random to you, but it’s random to me