Group function FUBAR

Not sure if anyone else last evening 10/15/24 had any issues grouping up in a team where the game would kick out each of our clan members with the message “You cannot change parts while in que.”
This has never been an issue to change a build in the “Not ready” mode.
So did they change the group settings to where everyone has to be “Not ready” in order for one or more members to change builds?
After disbanding the group going Solo worked fine but as a group? No.
Anyone else experience this phenomena?
Bug or a new function ?

No I haven’t reached out to the support team. My past experiences with the support team has left me cold. It is always “on my end.” typical response from them. I stopped asking them for any help due to that Foley alone.
As far as what you mentioned about all members must be in not ready mode / Group settings sounds 100% feasible.
I had an unexpected “fix” late yesterday afternoon to my launcher. It didn’t mention what it was assuming it was a silent update possibly.?
I do send a BIG Thank you for your reply! :sunglasses: :metal:

I think that’s a bot.


i really don’t get this whole thing :crazy_face: ( Screen Shots please)

1 why would it kick u out?
2 the message “You cannot change parts while in que.” never kicked out b4.
3. 3 people can be ‘Ready up’ and one player can still be 'Not Ready and building in the garage. then we all just normal.
4 its got to be a bug.

5 please stopping talking to Robots. :rofl:

'plus…have you tested it again?

No I haven’t, Will try again tonight 10/16/24

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