Growing tired of adding new things and then abandoning them

One that hasn’t and has exceeded by leaps & bounds is Mine Craft. Yes Minecraft! LMBO Remember the Childs game everyone had negative opinions about?! Yeah a Multi million dollar company that has survived the test of time laughing all the way to the bank. IMHO, Crossout could easily exceed the same results “if” they were to actually listen to the common player base and implement many ideas that have been passed over. Not the élite few on test servers choosing what is best for them & their upper crust clans. But that is my opinion and will too be swept under the rug. SSDD

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i dont remember a time when minecraft was disliked

it is very trivial to make crossout way more successful and approachable, and in turn make more money. but that flies over the devs heads.

thats how it will be until the game dies

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Hi, UltraLocust,

I dare to hope that this is not addressed to me because I am altruistic, too much, and a lot of empathy in a war game, confrontation is downright risky! Like, I complain on behalf of many, and I repeat, correct, correct and update again, Man, I’m tired, I want to play, relax, rave with friends than rerererebuild in my corner!


Nota : I won’t go into the field about the money, and the exorbitant price, the 10% tax… I said I won’t go, I’ll shut my mouth

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Hi, Wyle Coyote,

1 Billions LIKES !

That’s all, Folks, he said…


Nota : (Posted but, bis repetita) I won’t go into the field about the money, and the exorbitant price, the 10% tax… I said I won’t go, I’ll shut my mouth/Je n’irai pas sur le terrain au sujet de l’argent, et du prix exorbitant, des 10 % de taxe… J’ai dit que je n’irai pas, je ferme ma gueule…

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oh you mean that company that has a game breaking bug in the game for 7 years that hasnt gotten patched or fixed?
also a reddit thread with 7.2 million people on it that never leave feedback and never reply to new threads on questions and whatnot?
yeah they laughed all the way to the bank giving the community the middle finger all the way there to.

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I find it amusing how one can make a simple comment here and a plethora of negativity suddenly appears.
Either your glass is half full , Or it is half empty. Let the games begin… :roll_eyes:

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crossout is a glass which is far from half full