Growing tired of adding new things and then abandoning them

Does anyone else grow somewhat tired of the constant mismanagement in the game?

Like we made new codrivers and reworked the codriver system and added a new resource for codrivers, but then don’t really bring in any new ones and forget all about it

We added a customization shop, but the items in it just plain suck and are constantly recycled and we don’t sell any of the items people might actually pay money for

We added helicopters to the game, but then in the end they just exist as something we force people to play with pass challenges

Constantly it’s like “We’re gonna do this new cool thing” and then never touch it again or expand on it in any way even if it’s not only possible but also logical. It’s hard to get excited about anything in this game when “BIG NEW THING” and then after coming out it’s left to rot and forgotten, never really finalized or made as good use of as it could, always pumping in some “BIG NEW THING” while the past big new thing has not even been fully explored or made use of.

Like codrivers for example, by all logic they should have pumped up way more codrivers than just 1 new after the initial rework and then forgetting they even exist. This game has too big of an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and rather than pumping out something new all the time and the bare minimum of it, they could expand on the last big new thing instead, to make the big thing actually feel like a big thing rather than another fart in the saharan desert.


I honestly don’t blame it all on them. If you sit around in the forums you basically end up watching players flip out about every little change they make. Things even if they seem exciting will get dropped if they don’t make money, with a game that is in constant development it’s just going to happen.

Issues with the co-drivers: I think they made them too broad and it makes it more difficult to add more. They should probably have had a narrower focus and we probably should have 3 for each faction in the game dividing them up between the simple 3 categories of attack, defense, mobility or even light, medium, and heavy. I wouldn’t have minded if we could level them up using that point silo but it would introduce a different means of power creep into the game again.

I don’t really get as frustrated as a lot of other players I see but it might be just because I don’t take it as seriously as they do. It’s just something to do at the end of a long day or maybe in the morning before starting the day to me.

Awakening mode: I really wish they would go back and try again on this it’s the one part of the game where it actually felt like a game and not just a pvp sandbox. I think where this missed is there was only one path through it and you didn’t really end up feeling like your part of the game world. It’s still one of my favorite maps to go mess around on.

Cosmetic shop: I think the big issue with this is they are slightly overpriced and they keep putting things into packs that increase the prices rather than leaving them as lower feel good buys for players that want a little more art for their build styles. I don’t think it’s wrong but I think they need to reduce the prices a bit especially for things that were in battle passes. I don’t think anyone wants to pay $10 for a single item that they could have picked up in a BP that cost the same amount. One of the few purchases I did do in there was for the earlier growl CK as I like that they tried presenting the various cabs as done by different factions and I thought that was a smart idea.


added helis then do nothing with them. still waiting on that pve raid mode they said theyd release for it.
added adventure mode then completely abandoned it with them saying they wont do anything more with it.
changed the co-drivers and then did nothing more with it, they are stuck with 3 abilities and 8000 intelligence in my inventory waiting for more to come out which i dont think ever will.

all it seems to be now is seasons, mini battlepasses and just weapons and armors.

they got tons of weapons that have been abandoned and are useless, tons you cant play because of certain weapon types hard countering them, not many weapon varieties across alot of the factions, no permanent blueprints, no new modes, no new… anything really.

i am disappointed in how lack luster the games become. i want more to do in here and things to be more balanced out but it doesnt seem like it ever will be. alot of things just go abandoned pretty much after they come out and even after the devs promise to add more into each thing they do like helis with raids and co-drivers with more variety.


its short-term profit driven development and clearly they excel at that since the players eat this shit up and dont complain once


Tired of copypaste idi0ts talking about miSmAnAgEmEnT in the game.
You know, there were times none ever thought they could lecture devs on how they run their projects. Whatever gave peoples idea they can/should…


Maybe they were not complaining during those times because it was being managed properly
You are acknowledging it was being mismanaged during those times just as badly as now, but people just did not say it out loud, in which case it’s yet another PlEaSe StOp SayInG BaD ThInGs Of ThE GaMe No crItICIsm AllOwEd copypaste reply


Because times change and we expect better now

there is very severe mismanagement of this game
will edit a more elaborate answer when you write the rest in english

times didnt change, just the game got a lot worse. we pay the devs so they arent allowed to make horrible choices. at least in a perfect world, in which we are not. players eat up shit and piss that targem drops on their plate and even thank them for Great Amazing New Content and some individuals for some reason go as far as to defend the devs from criticism

I interpreted their comment as not pertaining to crossout specifically.

i think even then my comment applies. games arent getting better, if not getting worse. and players still barely complain

Hi, Gangsterusm,
In french, in many other langages… Sure, english is international but…

Hi, @ll,
For the rest, it seems that some players are more passionate than others. Perhaps this is where the difference lies in opinions and different feelings. What you need to keep in mind is that Gaijin is not a philanthropic enterprise and the cash machine must be running! Firstly so that the staff can make a living from their profession but also so that the game can live…
Furthermore, it is true that opinions can be divided. There are fashion effects. For example, when I played there, a few years ago it was the fashion for melee weapons with the harvester as the star, there was, we were talking about it yesterday with the guys from the build mode effects team with the Mandrake bet biased (impossible to do today), etc, etc… These fashion effects are oriented so that we, players, consume and therefore, money. It’s fair game. On the other hand, if I can take advantage of this space to say what I think about it, or let’s say what I think about certain things… The tax, this tax must exist, I agree but 10% is huge. I recently saw on Thyrsus + the price going down but guys, just 750 of plastic look how much it costs! That and other things but I understand your questions and disappointments…
I stopped playing more than 2 years ago, imagine my surprise today. It’s been barely more than ten months since I got back into the game. Even the mentality has changed, it’s pushing, it’s the race for the kill, a fight within a fight while we’re in the same camp. Courtesy, politeness, WTF, in real life but you don’t do that to me. I’m a nice teddy bear but don’t exaggerate! I respect others who are often younger, I expect the same from them towards me! CC but it’s a nightmare, I don’t even dare to do it anymore, I feel like I’m fighting against 7 opponents, just to have a nice word at the end (I’ll leave you to your interpretation)…


The forgetten words ^^ :rofl:
As usual, I forgot one thing. Russian players have a definite advantage over other players, both in terms of information and in terms of access to different things which I will not go into detail here. I don’t think this is all fair play! If I told you that my connection is one Mo, yes, 8MB whith sometimes an amazing ping never seen before… for this reason, I couldn’t merge my Blight 1 for 1 with my Pilgrim (I didn’t say anything but it hurt my butt!) It’s my problem and I’m working on it but for the rest?..

you wouldnt understand french or other languages either if they were nonsense

gaijin is the exact opposite of a “philanthropic enterprise”. obviously they need money, and i wouldnt try to deny them that. but the monetization strategy of crossout (and other gaijin games) is atrocious and the game is 100% destined to die at some point. that probably wont happen since when player counts start going down they will make actual minimum updates to balance and economy which draw more meta monkeys back in and continue the cycle of p2w going

Why don’t you take that energy and divert it to real problems in the world?
But no u seem cool pouring it where it is safest.
Thing is about the game, people load off incoherent crap how each of them thinks game should be, but devs stopped giving a cuck, if they ever gave in the first place. So all you do is waste time, yours, others… you just vent.
What triggers me is every idi0t this day somehow found arrogance to think he knows what’s best.
All that crap only results in scaring of more people, cause that whining is infectious.


dont try to call me an idiot when youre utterly incapable of complaining about anything in any capacity. they could execute your family while you watch and you would go “They know whats best. Let them do their thing, this is none of my business afterall. Only an idiot would complain about such thing.”

and since you dont know yet, i am sorry to inform you that the corporations who develop this cash grab of a game dont give a shit about you and theyre not your friend, so you can think about what your reason is to keep defending the clowns

and also, the crap about how i think the game should be is entirely coherent. although i wouldnt be surprised if you found my arguments incoherent, or anyone elses for that matter

So complaining is the way to go about it? Okay.
Look. I remember how it all happened. One of the most obvious examples is when some1 decided to pour sh#t on Bethesda and destroy it, or at least stall it.
It was like out of nowhere few letsplay wankers with no expertise on anything started talking that bethesda is actually crap of company that can’t make games. And on it went, lots of people actually forgot that Skyrim is one of the best games ever made. So how the f#ck can a failure of a company make one of best games ever?
Basically they drowned best companies with help of “our” own hands.
If you didn’t noticed, we live on in the world where only most soy degenerate boring games came out. People actually celebrate a medieval game made by 1 dude like it’s one of the best games in the year. And the game has absolutely no new features. That’s the world we live in today. So stop and think if that trend of “complaining” is actually your own intent and what actual intent you persue.
I seen plenty guys here that just “want to see game die” because they “hate” it so much.
I’d rather have a game to play cause soon you notice there is nowhere to go. Unless of course you’re imbecile who can play cs or fortnite or overwatch or other soy sh#t.

do you realise companies can degrade? skyrim is 13 years old. interests of companies change from making good games to short term profits from making garbage. so many game developers are used to the entire industry being lazy as fuck and not caring at all, which is exactly the direction in which it is devolving. all new non indie games coming out are shit compared to things coming out years ago. people have learned that making slop for a quick buck works better for them than working on a great title which would bring long term money and fame.
crossout devs have unfortunately failed to choose the correct route for monetization (being cosmetics) and instead opted for fake balance changes and p2w items all over. when was the last time they pushed out an actual piece of content, excluding shit nobody ever asked for or low quality “brawls”? its all just a tiny number of parts and weapons that are either overpowered or underpowered and one or two very tiny and unfun maps.
the devs dont see crossout as a platform for fun or creative content, but instead nothing more than a piggy bank so they can work on something else they might even give a shit about.
i dont understand how you can think that complaining about a total lack of balance or at least content despite a shitton of p2w can be a trend.
youre shitting for no reason on some medieval game which has no new features, but do you understand why its celebrated? because its not shit, unlike everything else. games come out or are updated to be completely unbalanced, unoptimized and unfinished, which is what crossout is.

You’re just repeating the garbage they’ve put in your head, that labyrinth of excuses.
I’ve seen that exact pattern too many times. Blaming laziness, corruption, stupidity, inability just like they happen by themselves. I agree people are dumb, but not actually that dumb. I say it is manipulated, even if by god or devil if not some shady peoples, but it is still conducted and manipulated. People just can’t fail that badly by themselves.

no idea what youre even referring to

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