Heavy hp restoring cabin

so we have the kronos which is a light cabin and restores durability to parts attached to the nodes.
the kronos is a fairly sized cabin for a light cabin, maybe around the size of a hadron. but its nodes are in awkward spots on it and its ability can restore up to 30% of hp to the things attached to the nodes.

the master cabin is a medium cabin and also has nodes with the ability to restore durability to parts attached to the nodes as well, however its hp restoring properties are different then the kronos. it heats up the cabin but it also restores up to 50% of durability on a full charge. however this suffers much like the kronos, its nodes are positioned in a way that you cant put any kind of heavy or big weapons on it and if you do they have an awkward way to do it, that and i feel the nodes are to close to one another.

so when can we get a heavy cabin that restores durability? one with wider apart nodes that wont clash with eachother when trying to mount a cannon or a cyclone to the cabin. i just feel like this would be nice to have. does anyone else want something like this to?
the cabin wouldnt need to be as powerful as the master cabin, just having one with wider apart nodes would be fine with me. i just find that the nodes on the master cabin are to close to one another and in awkward spots and i dont find myself using the kronos cabin due to it being a light cabin.

also devs please add an ability to the kronos and master cabins to see the durability of our weapons or anything mounted to the nodes, this would be much appreciated.


I’d love this, should’ve made one of these for the ravager season lol. Also: damage is indicated by sparks, the more sparks, the more dmg the weapon/module has. Explosives will smoke, then will catch fire, then will go kaboom depending on the amount of dmg they have taken. For armor, I have no idea. I would also like a dmg detector/meter on the screen at the bottom too though.

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Forgot to mention: some locator radars (like the “Keen” which I use) will have lightning effect instead of sparks indicating damage. :nerd_face:

i already know this. but having the ability to see how much durability your weapons/armor/whatever else you have attached to the nodes would be so helpful and it would help you be able to plan your abilities and whatnot better. it could also show how much damage enemies are dealing to you.