* Helicopter 'Raids' when do we get this?

we have heli patrol, how about Heli Raids ? i’ll play more raids with this mode.


Me too.


Count me in Muddy ! I 'll be flying high along with you & Doc ! :wink:


i have actually posted about this before and i got pretty much the same response every time. “have patience and wait” … how long was it since they posted about it? i know they posted it when helis were released saying they had heli raids in the making. how long ago was that?

There’s no reason it shouldn’t already be a thing. I was surprised it wasn’t.


That would be neat! of course you will have flying bases and maby water floor or lava.

They might be waiting until they introduce bot copters…probably only a matter of time. :grimacing:

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Bot Copters dumber than blow flies buzzing aimlessly around ! LOL

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I too shall join the crusade!

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Well, it does take some time to adapt maps to helicopters, and I can see some scenarios where helicopters could cause unexpected complications with some raids.
So while I agree they should make this happen, and I believe they are probably working to make it happen, there are valid reasons why it isn’t currently the reality.


Was thinking about this, and could see room for abuse. In one one of the easy raids, “The Last Convoy”, you escort a bomb-laden truck to the end where it blows up. I’ve seen people use giant crate-shaped builds to pick up the escorted truck and race it to the end. I’d imagine a situation when you have 3 or more synchronized copter users with skinners, alternatingly harpooning the truck and lifting it into the air, to reach the end faster and avoid having to engage enemies. They could also bypass closed gates that way; in any event, the raid would be over very quickly, and farm substantial resources in a short amount of time (gasp).


and who else would be piloting helis in raids?
yup them bot copters…

also posted smt similar in my thread here, along other stuff like Codrivers, which i think it’s what this game needs most atm…have a look-see :grin:

A gimmick implementing a zeppelin or train in place of the escorted truck would solve for this exploit. Blimp escort would get my vote for raid objectives.

Also using a low floating airship for boss encounters would be fun too. Perhaps a scenario like preventing a descending Ravager mother-ship from landing would work, rather than how it is now, where it just appears from an abandoned parcel, once objectives are completed.

Ground vehicles could work to install flak cannons that would facilitate their team objectives by killing descending villains…sounds like space Invaders?

I don’t think a cross between Space Invaders and Missile Command would be a bad premise for raids in general, and I think it would help make it work with the flight mechanic.

Frankly, I think the current raids premise is a bit nonsensical, but I would use any lever to pull for getting zeppelins and trains into this game. I would love to see them in both raids and on the Adventure Mode map.

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Would be fun to attack a base that has anti-aircraft guns.

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Map: Gates of the valley , We have the large airships that actually fire down on enemies. . I have seen these same “air ships” moving on other maps in the distance not attacking but moving slowly across the maps. (Ship graveyard) The bot air ships should be implemented into raids along with helicopter options.

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Hmmm…Crossout in 8-bit graphics…that might cure alot of the lag issues… :thinking:



here’s another…chase raid in a tunnel like stage…hehehe :smiling_imp: can use the hekla-truck-raid for it just as a heli raid…ina tunnellol

make it run like virtual hydlide and youll never miss your target again!

Should helicopters are ever allowed into raids, Pretty sure they will have to have separate choices for with or without helicopters as the other battle modes in Missions. The Anti helicopter haters are already frothing about and posting hate mail just as they did with Hovers.