Hey XO ! you forgetting something ? šŸ«£

when can we finish these? :upside_down_face:



I still kind of wish we could play through the rest of them or buy them as solo DLCs.


exactly. what about the few who came to the game after these seasons? do they just never get access to these factions?

(like me)


They use to joke with us when they started the BP system as well as trying some other stuff saying buy in now youā€™ll be game rich later. (Which they might have just been not joking about. I do wonder sometimes now.) I can see this a being a potential problem though as people some times age out of player demographics in games.

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They seem to have left the reworked co-driver feature hanging as well. They said this feature would be regularly updatedā€¦nerp. Well, they nerfed some of it not long ago. Does that count? Is it a sign they might actually have plans for it, or was it just to nerf turret rotation some more to make their omnidirectional fad more relevant?

They have abandoned half this gameā€™s features, and in turn about half of the players have abandoned them too.


It seemed like it would be an easy system to set up and forget when they purposed it. Most people just didnā€™t seem to want to deal with a resource sink though to have anything better put into it though either.

Most of the attempts I made on asking about what players wanted out of the co-drivers just came up with cricket chirps for answers or replies of it being to expensive.

??? The old co-drivers were very expensive. the new ones are literally free (which is probably why nobodyā€™s working on them at Targem lmao).

But I can tell you. I want a reload codriver and a tracks codriver.


Next co driver will be tied to a battlepass or something lol


I want a co-driver that buffs turret rotation (Like Billy used to).

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I heard / saw somewhere that the dev were 12 or 16, you could put them all in a shed, and we canā€™t deny they were busy to be fair.
This game is weird, so much potential, so much to do for so few.
Perhaps thatā€™s why i enjoy this game.
About War thunder i canā€™t comment but they are comparable with Wargaming, massive offices with a big crew, delegations on US, EU. They are experts in cock ups, huge cock ups and massive cock ups.
Crossout when they cock upā€¦ well, itā€™s just a cock up, things move slowly around here.

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Yaā€¦Targem is much smaller. More innovative too, seems like.

I had planned on buying the Battle Pass, just because it seemed apparent they really worked their ass off this last year to get the copter feature in there, and also prepare the entire context of the game (menus, controllers, damage metricsā€¦literally everything) for Cross-Play. And, even though I donā€™t particularly care for most of what they have done, I do realize this is still an unfinished project, and I may see it differently once it is done(ish), which I actually expect to take another year (of hell probably), but weā€™ll see.

I bought the Manitou pack to show my support instead. Itā€™s more my style than anything in this Battle Pass anyway. Maybe the next Battle Pass will solicit some bucks from meā€¦or not. I saw some preview of a new stealth module, and that isnā€™t really doing it for me. None of it really is, as far as the direction the game has taken goes.

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I do appreciate the helicopter components they have implemented into the game . As itā€™s exactly why I invested in this BP all together. The long grind for the bearings is a bit boorish but maybe by the time its all said & done I may just actually have 650 of them to craft a nifty item.

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If they drop Crossplay I may give them some money


I to am not a fan of cross play on ANY online gaming. Never thought it was a very grand idea to begin with. So many different variableā€™s in each platform .

Iā€™m finding I like the structure parts, and they sink into the builds nice and flush and smooth. Better than the older parts do anyway. They look extra nice painted, and bring a nice finished look this game hasnā€™t had much of in the past.

I had to get me some Humming Birds too. I really had to fight the dmn market whales to get them too, but I did it. Tonight Iā€™ll get some time to actually build something with them. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll make my Copper Patrols much more immersive and relaxing. Iā€™m looking forward to that. Iā€™m thinking ā€œPopular Mechanic retro-tech flying saucerā€ from the future Grandpa imagined back in the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s.

Oh yaā€¦I like the new mean ass bots too. I know some kids donā€™t, but this one does. Thatā€™s one thing I think has gotten better, and actually made Patrols something Iā€™m interested in doing now. I like Copper Patrol with copters and grenade launchers. I think itā€™s mesmerizing.

Crossplayā€¦ uhmmm. Iā€™ve been hearing for a while now, years.

That bigger team took around two years to do the cv rework, in the first year they announced " this is the year of the cv"ā€¦ yeah, it turned into a meme . Same thing with the subs, they did an event with subs, we like it, and then they had several tests, and they took a while to release as abominations long after the year of the subs, that turned into another meme.

Or they already have something ready or Crossplay may take a while, i recon.
Yes, regardless if we like or not they have been busy and that shows in events e.g.
The Rise of the Machines pales in comparison of previous ones, it doesnā€™t appeal to creativity, you even can do it with an auto build made by the computer.

Packs are not my thing, they are like art builds, they donā€™t have combat readiness/ functionality. I rather buy BPs, but since Guinding Star BP, the goods have been diluted in several BPs, not enough in number to me to buy them. Hyperborea was the closest one since GS BP.

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Ya, Iā€™m crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath.

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