Home run!

Once again you guys did it another home run. I really being appreciating all the changes on the mechanics of the moving part and some other parts. But I am overly excited because you guys heard me and now I can move my helicopter up and down without compromising hitting the gas and moving forward out of my position. Thank you guys and all the moving parts. They feel great, especially tires. I love the Bigfoot tires how they feel. The game has Great,Great future. Great job guys! Thank you!:v::sunglasses::ok_hand: ( Loving the new Home screen image​:sunglasses::ok_hand:)


Tracks ( small tracks and harden tracks ) are pretty cool now, a bit of slide , pretty sporty
and if you let go the w after a turn it turns much quicker over itself.
me likey


Yup! That’s how tracks in real life work. At top speeds tanks can slide easily :muscle:


I think devs are more intelligent than we think, and they know what to do to turn a sluggish and sloppy thing enjoyable.
I’m not saying i will kill’em all with this change but i have to say this change was very quality of live improvement.
it only took the fact the tracks were the least popular movement part ( according to them).

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I actually love the slide of the small and hardened tracks, gives them a trade off, as they do have an advantage in their point to point rotation.

The main thing I love is medium cabin, course cannons are now a bit more viable again.

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