Hover speed need to be nerf

Listen all ,what he said about hovers. He said many times the word SPEED QUICK FAST and hovers together .

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Nothing to say about the video i posted.?Why because i’m right.

That seems like it could be a good argument for closing the door on the sideways-hover exploit. Too bad you didn’t lead with that, but whatever.

To that point though; Mr. G does point out (at 2:00) that “I don’t really think it’s an exploit. Like I said earlier, you’re not gonna be putting weapons on this and making a functional sideways-hover build in this way.” The trick is in the angle of the tilt, apparently, and the post seems a little off topic…frankly :wink:.

But anyway, congratulations on composing one of the most popular threads on this forum. It’s extraordinary. You’re rapidly nearing 300 comments already. I’m a bit surprised at the “popularity,” if you can call it that.

Most Impressive.


It’s not of topic.

thank you.

I play hovers 85% of the time FerrariFrankQc and well done showing a 3 YEAR OLD video of Mr G - that exploit was fixed years ago…lol… good try though. HARD CAP 75KPH for an actual Pvp or PvE build. If you know a way to go faster, let me know and i will test and post the video.
The ONLY 2 ways to go faster is to use boosters or RECOIL as a booster, in which case you are not shooting a target.

Also, Mr G is Youtuber and does not play ANY competitive Crossout. Its entertainment only. Show us you on a build that goes faster, please.

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With the recoil of the typhoon you can go faster than 75 kph easily.

Yes - for about 1 second. Do you want me to post?

It’s not fix , i just tried.good try though.

Yes ,post it . Every second matter in CB ,if you can run away for 1 second it’s a game changer.

Watch the video - exploit fixed on PC anyway

i’m on xbox

Going back you get to 101kph, if going forward slows to 48kph. It lasts for about 1 second and is not usable speed as you can tell by the way the build jumps. I know nothing will change your opinion though - still not usable speed as i have seen players get pushed into objects because of recoil.


All platforms are the same.

Sheesh, this thread is still going? Well unfortunately, as much as I would like hovers to be made absolutely useless, their dominance in the CW meta and overall toxicity made sure that hover mains are now like half of the playerbase. And thus, Targem will never grow the balls to do anything drastic to hovers anymore.

They will forever be the superior platform for most types of weapons. What they should do is make hovers more wobbly and their weapons far more inaccurate, unless the use a new 1 energy gyroscopic module. That would keep the hover’s advantage with most weapons while cutting down on their overall utilities. If they could do the reload module addition to heavy cabins, they can do that to hovers too.


With all respect due to Mr G, he’s not the best person to make item tier lists…

“The large wheel comes in at a B+. Nearly gave this thing a A”
Hovers and Bigrams rated alongside Augers and MLs
Hermits and Racing wheels rated the same lmao
Hermits rated lower than Bigfoots
APC wheels rated the same than the crap special wheels

Yeah sorry video is invalid lol.

Nice you prooved i’m right. They hovers can have a boost of speed , the wheels can’t have that kind of speed boost. The devs should add a “NOS” button for the wheels.The free scope they given to us recently is useless with wheels build ex: breaker , firebug and a lance build. We should have a option to choose between a scope or a nitro oxide button.