Hover speed need to be nerf

the speed of the hover makes no sense . The wheels should be faster.


Hovers need a speed buff if anything.

Why would a jet engine go slower then a wheel?

Also, wheels do go faster then hovers already.

What they need to do is reverse the “wedge” Nerf that makes it so you lose all your power from bumping something.

Then we would be fine.


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Hover are way too fast, look on the leaderboard for clan battle. In top 5 you have hover sideways players and below you have clan falling apart because peoples are giving up ,because they can’t reach the top of the leaderboard with the build they enjoy to play.

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they don’t .

My Cohort build does tho :eyes:

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what about the beholder cab being slower on wheels?

The hover issue is in the faster acceleration rate, it’s not that they’re faster than wheels. Something is broken with the side hover builds accelerating faster than anything else, normal hover builds just don’t handle the same. Wheels have higher max speed but hovers accelerate faster meaning they reach 75 faster than most wheel builds hit 100.


They do and should accelerate faster than other parts but they are and should be less durable as well. All ground build types can have about double the durability of good hover builds

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i totally agree with you ,so they can reach 75 or more ,faster then anything else . Its not for nothing peoples use hover in race.

they should increase the durabilty and reduce the acceleration and now you have something perfectly balance. Also remove sideways from ,the game the physics is broken.

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While making all parts exactly the same can be called “balance”, it is also boring. THAT would kill the game.

Sorry hovers bully you. Just keep your chin up and wait for the crossplay players to deliver you from your boogeyman.

IF sideways accelerate faster than normal hover builds, I would agree that should be changed. Color me skeptical though…

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Ok - so hovers have a hard speed limit of 75. You can get wheel builds do 120 so how are hovers faster??? Are you saying a chort on bigfoot are slower? The biggest issue with movement parts is Bigrams. They have no speed limit so as fast as wheels, huge tonnage so you don’t need many so the accelerate fast and can go into legs mode for maneuverability.

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The one drawback to bigrams is that they are very unstable if you lose one. Unless you use a bunch, but then you’re slower than most wheeled builds.

Hover are faster because they accelerate more fast. So on a situation you have to catch a hover , the hover can run away or strafe too quickly ,its game over just drop your controller ,nothing you can do.

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I can fight hovers on many maps, but on Wrath of Khan e.g. you are F-ed. In general maps where catching a hover on a wide open plane is required you loose. It needs a wall to pin hover against or a vertical lacerator melee to get underneath them.
Weird thing is - cars are “sticky”, its difficult o disengage - but hovers are “slippery” - getting under a hover doesnt bring him to a crawl like a car would, they just accelerate way to the side and if your wepon is not fast turning you are F-d as well. Shotguns, Lacerators and Rpid fire MGs on light cabins work pretty well, maybe a canon shell to the hover as well - depends, but in general hovers are imposible to counter for medium or heavy builds specialized on short-medium distance combat.
Also - have fun dealing with a hover using normal melee builds.


Because jet engines are designed to propel aerodynamic aircraft at high altitude. Wheels out accelerate fighter jets taking off all day long.


And this is completely normal. This is how rock-paper-scissors work. Something beats other something and that other something counters the third something. MGs beat hovers, hovers beat cannons and tracks, cannons and tracks beat wheels and MGs, et cetera.

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The only thing Hovers need as a nerf imo is that their acceleration while going forward / backward (strafing in the sideways hover setup) Needs to have the same kind of slipperiness and delay as regular hover strafing has (on the sideways hover setup, this is going forward/backward)

This gives sideways hovers the annoying zigzagging ability that makes you miss most of your shots on slower projectile speed weapons or weapons that require a lot of accuracy (for example Astraeus). If They had to remove forward facing Mandrakes because tilting the weapon counted as being unfair because it made the gun perform way better than it was intended, then how is not a sideways hover build unfair when you gain far superior strafing than was intended to be pulled off with hovers. Because otherwise their normal strafing was just as effective with stopping and accelerating as going forward/backward.

Let’s face it, regular hovers are good as dead, nobody uses hovers outside sideways hovers builds

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