Hover speed need to be nerf

We’ve already told you how over and over your just too stubborn and clueless to understand.

I draw you a simple picture

Get it yet? Or is it still too hard for you to understand. And I shared a vid of a heavy wheel build keeping pace with a hover on rather flat terrain. So there ya go.

Now begin your continued denial of facts as I assume you will.

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You’re not right ,show us the video prove me wrong :rofl:

I don’t get what this video is supposed to prove?

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Your draw just proove me they need reduce the speed of the hover.

You do realize he is actually trolling you or incredibly dumb, Frankfurter I am talking about, he said lance on Hovers as better than on wheels, I’ve never seen anyone use melee weapons on hovers be it lances or not, don’t feed the troll, even his mother stopped the milk tap long along

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On xbox some players really use lance on hover. I’m not kidding.

Stop to to do linguicism.

We even have breaker on hovers.

Guys, I don’t think Frank is actually French Canadian. It’s just part of the persona he’s doing to bait you, and you’re falling for it.
On that note, I haven’t seen anyone troll this successfully for a long time. I’m almost impressed!

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Yes i am, any problem with that?

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i’m not trolling.Give me a good argument instead.

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Stay in the topic, you are trolling.

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Respect the rules, there is no need to insult someone when he is right.