Hi all!
I’m wondering if we could get some tweaks made to the current hover functionality.
You (devs) dropped the speed of both hovers. That’s fine. It was a necessary adjustment at the time.
Next, you dropped the effective hover ground clearance. This made it so any ground vehicle could contact and push a hover build at will.
Additionally, the lack of true vector thrust modeling has resulted in hover builds becoming air hockey pucks. No small arms fire should be able to steer, let alone stop the active thrust velocity of, a hover build.
Yet, these builds are literally spun around, pinned against walls, and frozen in place by machine gun and autocannon fire.
Like true multi-engine vector thrust rockets work, these builds should be able to counter the forces applied by incoming small caliber rounds; simply calculating damage accordingly.
The flip side to this is that weapons like Reapers should not be capable of becoming propulsion devices when attached to hover builds.
Additionally, hover builds should be able to roll out of this imagined grip of every ground vehicle that decides to push them around. There are plenty of great designs out there which incorporate mechanisms to latch onto a hover build. A flat-faced vehicle should not be able to do the same.
Finally, all hovers should get an additional innate ability to jump skyward or dash in the camera’s direction, just like walker legs–or both. Yeah…both. And make those features upgradeable.
OK, now as the sarcasm of my last point irrationally escapes certain people, please address the real concerns and solutions proffered.
Hovers done got broke. Please fix. Then make uber OP. M’kay?