Hovers are pretty OP now

Like Bigrams??? no speed limit…mobile as legs with top speed of 120 & when NOT in an upgrade event are still 540 coins? Yeah - hovers are the issue.

I think most people would love to go back to what hovers were rather than the mess they are. people stick with it because many player based their builds around hovers and dont have as many options to change.

Yeah bigrams are op. Not even going to hold back against those. They are still outpriced by hovers w/o any P2W events.

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So a couple of weeks of CW sessions since the Supercharged Hovers update, we met like the third spider team yesterday. No melee teams far and wide. The rest of the CW meta is virtually 100% (s)hitscan hovers with a few Arbiter bananas sprinkled here and there.

Mastodon’ts on wheels aren’t really much of an option for our clan anymore, gotta get carried by hovers now. For some reason, the Mastodon’ts now also seem to deal significantly less damage since the update, feels to be about 30% lower over all. And with Omamori on top of that to make all hovers even more durable, I’m not having a good time.

Funny how hover mains are still crying about how they ruined hovers with such nerfs, but somehow, things that used to ruin a hovertart’s day in CW aren’t even viable agains them anymore. I guess hover players really do buy much more packs than other players, lol.

Don’t think this should be a thing only for cannons. (S)hitscan hovers seem to be all the rage now instead of cannons. To be honest, if hovers are to be as fast and mobile as they are now, they need to be way more unstable and all their weapons super inaccurate, unless they put on a 2 energy gyroscopic module. Cut out all the extra utilities they don’t deserve to carry if they are to be the ultimate weapon platform.


I think hovers themselves are in a pretty good place right now with the changes they made to them, but the main problem is that at the same time, they screwed over all wheeled builds with their he he game go brr update

Imagine if the changes they made were for augers, hovers and omni only, and the wheeled and track builds worked like they used to rather than he he driving goes brr

Things would be roughly the same even without changes to wheels. They gave hovers more speed and acceleration while also reverting all the previous nerfs to altitude and inertia. I don’t think wheels are really that different, especially after the post-update patch. Hovers vere simply overbuffed and given Omamori which the get much more utility from than other builds.