How are we supposed to melee people?

I like how you have that Center wheel mounted. Very clever.


Iā€™m interested in this thread, because these are techniques I will use to make my art-builds work better.

Besides, PVP isnā€™t always about the META. Itā€™s often about how people canā€™t read the mini-map, or team work is non-existent. Also, people are screwing around, testing new stuff, being nerds, getting lost, lag, etc. Itā€™s not always that critical to min-max builds all the way to ultra META for PVP, and not at all critical for PVE. Especially if you donā€™t play aboveā€¦whatā€¦9K? Iā€™m sure people have their own opinions about that, but I see some clever builds, that are good to look at, all over. Tenshijiin is pretty good at it, I think. I think his collection of toys fit together well usually, and Iā€™m sure they are above 9K often. Nobody gets a Gold medal for this schit anyway.

Team work trumps the META in PVP, I think. When that team is some META Squad, like in Clan Wars or whatever, ya, this kind of building technique might be critical for wins, but again, probably not without team work. If youā€™re a lone-random PVPā€™er, when you get mobbed by a group of coordinated players of any kind, the META wonā€™t save you eitherā€¦wash, rinse, repeat.

Point is; I think this info is useful too, and I probably will use some of the advice just to make my art-builds stronger and more effective. Thereā€™s no reason at all I canā€™t build my frames according to this method. I probably will. I already do to a degree, but only by chance and through experimentation. Now that I understand it better, I will probably find a way to put it to use.

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Iā€™ve really been enjoying playing melee since the update. Wheels feel so good now!

And just to bring it back to the discussion, each chainsaw is only attached to one of those elbow pass-through parts (one elbow for each of the four saws). So no real redundancy, but those elbows are all covered with bumpers and passive melee, so they survive all those exploding generators pretty well. Iā€™m guessing I probably lost some saws at the end when I was face hugging that flamethrower build, but I outlasted them.


You popped that Hover pretty efficiently. So much for that META, eh? Looks like that is how to melee people.

Outside the Auger/Goblin Brick, Iā€™m not seeing many of the standardized bullies doing as great as they used to. I think thatā€™s refreshing. Hovers either keep their distance or get mauled to death in short order (screen armor or not), but that was sort of always the case, I guess.

As for the Auger/Goblin Brick, even that gets mauled unless they are in packs, which they are sometimes.

This update seems to be a direct attempt to neuter the META, and I think they had some success with that (for now). Pass-though parts and frames have been made very vulnerable to melee in particular, it would appear.

That has me reevaluating of some of the techniques suggested in this thread. Itā€™s not that I think the advice is outdated so much as I think itā€™s worth emphasizing that exposed frames and Pass-through parts are more important to conceal than ever before. Time to put some cloths on those ugly mofos.

Had that Hover been wearing any real armor he might have been able to escapeā€¦maybe. Iā€™m guessing however, that had that last fire dog adhered closer to the advice given here, he might have done better, but IDK. Maybe more speed and agility is what he needed, or maybe engaging a Melee user head-on isnā€™t a good idea? I donā€™t have much luck with that either.

Nonetheless, good game, sport. Thanks for showing us how itā€™s done. I presume you do use the techniques discussed in this thread?

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As I mentioned in the edit, I donā€™t actually have any redundancy in my chainsaw mounts. Using one syndicate elbow piece for each of the four saws, and all of those elbows are attached to the cabin.
I think itā€™s the bumpers Iā€™ve covered the pass through parts with that allows them to survive.
Also, seems like using two Lacerators and two Maulers is a good combo (first time trying it). One buffs durability for all of them, and the other buffs damage (plus thereā€™s a tormentor in there buffing damage more, and of course Phobos).

Originally I had some hover catchers, but it performed better exposing the top of the saws and just driving under the hovers and slicing through their frames. Makes me think that mounting one of the new saws pointing upwards might be worth trying when I unlock it.

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Good pointsā€¦
I hadnā€™t considered that the OPā€™s frame was probably exposed until someone else pointed that out.
Whenever Iā€™ve played melee, armoring up to the weapon itself has always been a priority. I just figured everyone did that. :man_shrugging: That, of course, would mean what youā€™re mounting the weapons to is also covered.

Frames - I thought - would never be exposed, but I guess I was wrong. Then again, I like my builds to be somewhat attractive, soā€¦ yeahā€¦

Iā€™ve used that combo in the past similarly to how you have it. I really like it how they work together for ā€œcatchingā€ the enemy. One of the challenges Iā€™ve had when playing melee is that whoever Iā€™m trying to hit seems to slide or bounce off to the side of my rig. Thatā€™s partly because I get a little too zealous & hit them too hard. The other was build styleā€¦ Iā€™d have the melee too close together in the middle. The Mauler/Lacerator combo allows you to have melee wide and high at the same time. Good stuff.

I donā€™t think the chainsaws had those perks when I was using them, thoughā€¦

I gave up on melee for a long timeā€¦ This is certainly making me want to try it again.
Heck, when I last played melee regularly, Phobos wasnā€™t even in the game.


Why is this thread still going? Derp driver lives up (down) to his name.


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IDK, but I expressed an interest in the subject, and encouraged the conversation for my own benefit. Also, because it was useful information considering the recent update, I think the topic evolved past DD, and took on a life of itā€™s own. People had a lot they wanted to share about a topic they enjoy.

It is unusual in that even though they may have felt like it was a struggle to relate the info, they did it anyway. That is kinda weird, probably.

If there are people on this forum that are curious about clever ways to engineer your frames (the literal foundation of a build) they should review this thread, I think. This info is good and useful, and it doesnā€™t get repeated often.


I just realized I cut off the part that shows the blight attaching all the points in the middle. All well, hopefully people get it.


Fitting ā€œTip of the dayā€¦ā€


Skinner tip mostly :slight_smile: and skinner is good on melee