Player of many years now on Xbox. I think Battle for Uranium (BFU) is great for the game. It gives an opportunity for everyone to earn a powerful resource for growth in this game. But, how we stop clan wars that week is flawed.
See, I believe that BFU should be open only to players not in a clan (With that change I would adjust the placement bonuses) allowing slow and steady growth for players that are developing still or just want to isolate themselves and enjoy the game their way.
With this change the pure sweat meta would go away for the most part because those players and the top players would be running clan wars every week and not farming players who are still learning the game. With this change regular clan wars can continue and the BFU clans feature could still continue or be altered to a meck BFU or heli BFU for those players not in a clan.
With this being said, I have built my work life schedule around clan battles and purposely sacrifice my weekends working in order to be available for clan wars during the week. Unfortunately for me have spent a bit of money in the game and want to keep playing but much like my WOT account ($3,000 spent over 6 years) I will lose interest and cut my loses.
I think a great idea like BFU could be the death of this game. There are clans that will have over 100,000 confrontation on clan war weeks but struggle to break 50k because they don’t play the game when clan wars are not going on.
Does anyone else take the week off on BFU weeks?
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what does clan wars have to do with sweaty clan teams leaving BFU?
I’ve been playing the game since it came to Xbox.
I honestly feel most players aren’t ready for clan wars right away or within the first year. Battle for Uranium is a nice addition for those players.
I feel Clan Wars should have more available times and ideally would like it to be 24/7/365 with an adjustment on how to pay out ore. I understand most feel having more available times might make queue times longer, and that may be the case initially. Over time more players would stick around because the schedule will be more open to their schedule.
Here is what I propose:
- Make all clan modes available 24/7/365
- Add challenges based on wins for ore (similar to Clan BFU)
- Allow ore to be made in every league but Rust.
- Add ore reward for advancement to leagues above Rust
- Reset all clans score to zero at end of week
- Add a single player per clan Free For All mode, with reward based on placement in a single 10 minute round match
- Add a duo player per clan 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 mode with a single 10 minute round (on large maps only)
- Make a 16 player Clan Death Race mode. would require more race specific maps
- Make a 8 vs 8 clan war mode (unrestricted)
- Make a daily ore cap for wins in each of the 6 categories (war, leviathan war, FFA, 2v2s, Death Race, 8vs8)
(Just throwing this one out there)
11. Make Power-score brackets and adjust rewards based PS
• 6-8k league rewards 1 ore per league, no ore per win until diamond league
• 8-10k league rewards 2 per league, no ore per win until gold league
• 10-12k league rewards 3 per league, no ore per win until silver league
• 12-14k league rewards 4 per league, no ore per win until bronze
• 16k+ league rewards 5 per league, no ore per win until tin league
*if you win in a lower league then again in a higher Power-Score, ore will be adjusted to max amount.
(I.e. 6-8k PS of 1 ORE + 16k PS of 4 ORE = 5 ORE)
• When not in league that pays out ore, next league down pays out electronics, next league down plastics, next league down copper, next league down scrap.
•All PS play on the same leaderboard (per mode)
• Remove BFU
- Add leaderboard for each Clan Mode (war, leviathan war, FFA, 2v2s, Death Race, 8vs8)
- Weekly Clan Rewards Based on Average of all 6 Clan Game Mode Leaderboards (war, leviathan war, FFA, 2v2s, Death Race, 8vs8)
There are lots of clans that don’t play clanwars or even if they participate they don’t rank high enough to earn uranium. The nice part of BFU or UW was that it made it more possible for players in the larger player base to earn uranium which previously was rather limited before that. A way to earn it solo regardless if a player is in a clan is something players asked for for years.
So by removing clans from BFU you’d essentially be forcing players to decide if they want to earn badges in a clan or giving up badges and only adding the potential of earning uranium. That does seem like a great thing to do to the rest of the player base.
this is exactly what i was going to say.
if your not in a clan badges are going to be alot harder to get, even if your in a clan its the same thing though. the badge system needs some work. also bring back the badges for adventure mode dangit!