How to fix Drones and Turrets

We all acknowledge that Drones and Turrets are noob weapons in the game and are otherwise pretty irrelevant. They don’t have to be and here is what I suggest to fix them.

  • Get rid of deployments and replace with just how many drones or turrets you have.
  • Can launch all drones and turrets without a long reload
  • If the Drones or turrets are not destroyed allow them to be recalled/picked-up, and relaunched.
  • drones and turrets have limited ammo and/or fuel. Driving next to them “recharges”, refuels, and rearms.

These changes would allow for Drones and Turrets to act more like mounted weapons and give them the flexibility to be used at higher Power Scores.
There is no reason why these weapons should behave in a way that limits their effectiveness in different Power Scores.
This would also allow for another strategic element to be added to the game, making them more useful.


And more fun…

How to fix drones & turrets? My fix would be :slightly_smiling_face:

This I would quickly agree with.

This I don’t think is needed if you can recall/reuse them. However as far as turrets go extending deployment time while sitting next to them would be nice. i.e. playing cannon/turrets you drop your turrets and they guard you while there the full time. You can pick them up and leave. If you leave without them they return to limited function time. Returning to them they reconnect and recharge.

Isn’t that that what the flying drones are for?

Not what I was talking about. A flying drone would just come with you when you leave.

In the context of driving next to a turret to have it recharge… Sitting next to a turret it should just run off of the build. If the build leaves it should switch to the limited battery supply. If returning it should be reconnected to the build.

i wouldnt say they are noob weapons, id say they are underpowered and underutilized as a weapon. theres alot of changes that drones need and a few of them are:

  • not being targeted instantly by bots. this is one of the most insulting things about being a drone user. bots target your turrets, wheeled drones and legged drones instantly much like mines. seriously in most cases as soon as they come out of the launcher they are targeted and destroyed. this needs to be fixed because imo this is very unfair. also very unfair how hard the bots focus on these.
  • reload time needs to be better. fuze drones alone have a 30 second reload time, this is counteracted by the cheetah engine but even so they are to weak and easily counterable to have that long of a reload time. even with the reload fusion on them they go down to 24 seconds reload time. its not alot…
  • buff to damage and firing speed. the reload speed of some drones is bad but the damage of most is just laughable. seriously anytime i see someone deploy an anaconda i imagine a laugh track playing… that or a “bad joke trombone” sound effect. the damage on all drones is really awful since they nerfed drones into the ground (thanks annihilators and grenadiers!) some of these drones need a huge buff. anacondas especially because their damage is comical. their reload speed is really terrible to as they shoot a rocket and wait for a century and a millennia before it reloads and fires again. also most of the time the rockets faceplant into the ground… so… yeah…
  • fixing the cabin for fuze drones. yeah this ones a major one, i dont like this cabin. yeah the focus fire ability for your drones is nice, but its a cabin focused on mainly fuze drones and making them more powerful. is it effective? in a way yes. is it useable? no. 7 seconds for a buff to the damage of those drones is laughable and any fast build can outrun them. yes its meant to be a sneaky cabin and one to surprise your enemy, but its a medium cabin with an awful ability. believe me, i tried using it and its not usable even in pve. in fact in pve its worse! it needs a rework.

this is an idea i pitched before about certain drones. instead of them being destroyed have them deactivate or after they run out of fuel they can still fire but at a lower damage rate. you can then drive by, scoop them up, then recharge and deploy them again.

you dont really need this ability if you have the above mentioned one. i had the thought of using your drones as armor and even mounting them on your car so when deployed they fall off and stay by you, when their out of juice they jump back on your vehicle and attach themselves to where you “welded” them / mounted them.

theres also the thought of having a mounted turret weapon to. it would be a drone but be able to be mounted to your own car. but i doubt many people would like that idea. to many people whine about drones as is.