+Huginn Cabin: I didn’t expect much out of this cab as I don’t use heavy cabs much. This cabin looks to be the next great Breaker/Hammerfall bully build heavy cabin and be a good Ermak alternative. Get yourself one of these, some shotguns and an Onamori and go break down some walls.
++ Best Bet: Sleipnir Track: The track puts the cabin a block higher than other tracks, which allows better line of sight, gives massive build options for undermounting, and for Porcupine users, gives a good position to loft Porcs into hovers rather than underneath them. In addition, the Sleipnir is an excellent 80KPH and can reach 90 with a Golden Eagle and appropriate cabin. The calling card of tracks is they rotate in place extremely fast and drive backwards extremely fast. Sleipnir does all of this, and it has an excellent perk of huge fire resistance. I have had so many matches of my entire build being shot to almost nothing, and having a full set of Sleipnirs left.
Get six of these. Or more if you are a collector. They will be worth a fortune soon.
+Nothung Machine Gun: I just got a set of these. They are extremely powerful, the spread doesn’t bloom much when you hold down for full auto and the gun only needs to be one block higher than the top of the cabin to have a full range of movement. Forget what the Devs said about pairing it with the Huginn. This gun screams for the Nova cabin. Two fused Shivers on Nova is the same cooling as a fused Shiver and a Huginn, and then you get a shield and a faster more powerful cabin. I’m not sure what makes these guns better than an Arbiter build, and they are quite flimsy, so they do have a significant downside. My build of Nova Cabin, 3 Nothungs, 2 Shivers and my specially fused +turn speed +blast radius Trombone is death on a stick. This gun, like many weapons in Clan wars is Scorpion food, but it is a powerful and serviceable machine gun with a low build profile. A new player should get a fused set of these through the battlepass to have an excellent build for free. Play them on Huginn until you get a Nova setup.
For me, I enjoy them, but I don’t think they are as good as my Destructors or Cyclones. They also have less effective hp than Arbiters.
Arbiters are 2 blocks wide 2 blocks long and 2 blocks high and there are 4 of them at 220 HP. In addition, they do about 4000 something on the damage sphere. Nothungs are 220 HP, and 3 Blocks wide, 4 blocks long and 2 blocks high. They do about 3000 something on the damage sphere. The choice seems pretty clear as to which is the better machine gun. That’s not a knock. A lot of guns aren’t as good as Arbiters. But, Nothungs have excellent burst damage with the perk and are perfect for popping off weapons before an enemy can fight back.
–Munin Drone cabin: What does this cabin do? It seems to be best for Grenadier and Fuze drones. I didn’t even know poeple still had those. my Flash eats stuff like this.
-Gungir Machine Gun: This gun is noticeably weaker than its competitors. To make up for it, it has low durability. My fused Therms eat stuff like this.
–Thor Generator: Lets make a contest to see how many blocks of armor an Avalanche can punch through in the new update, then put this generator at the end. This generator is destined to be worse than the Gas Gen, because it will be found at power scores where big guns are shot. They are ending spaced armor before this generator even arrives. It will be borne into the new Typhoon renaissance. Prediction: DOA.