I am having trouble finding where my crossout gameplay time record is recorded pls if anyone can help pls tell me
I that case, you could link your account with the steam account, so that you can sign in your crossout luncher’s account through steam , and see your time record (but your previous playing time was not taken into account)
I don’t know exactly how to link the account, but I’m sure that you can do this after reading some tutorials.
yeah ,I want my old records included in this
you ruin everything with linking the two together
you missing out options
and starting though steam you start back form 0 since it creates a seperate account , or dont let you log in to beginn with.
A true Crossout mujahid doesn’t bother with such trivialities. For he accepts the grind as part of his daily life, as his sacred duty! He measures his time by the corpses of his enemies left behind. His panties don’t get all bunched up over counting the hours, minutes or seconds like a noob, because he goes full commando, charging at the enemies with nothing but carnage on his mind, and wearing nothing but their blood, and occasionally their faces, if he can get them whole.