I could

An apt description of yourself.

I asked for the distinction because generally american = anyone from the America’s… American = US citizen.

But I do not have to assume anything about you nor your IQ after reading your posts.

Congratulations on working for 3 companies. (I am not sure if that is something to brag about, we don’t know if you got fired for ineptitude or gross negligence or got a better job offer or lost the boss’s dog etc.)

I retired after 20 years as the head of procurement for one of the largest retailers in the world. It was my only real job. I just kept getting promotions. /shrug (again who knows why they kept me, maybe i was good, maybe their other options were worse etc)
I am not quite sure what our two work experiences have to do with enemies of the state.

Now, I do not play XO to worry about world politics. Nor even politics in my own country.
I play XO to craft, ride and destroy.

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