so first off i got 4 emily grenade launchers. im not sure if im going to use them for anything but i have wanted to get this again for a while. i tried them with the manitou cabin and they work well together. i might keep them, i also might sell them later if they are a good price.
second i got a ripper! im happy with this weapon and i been running it with 2 porcs. i might try 3 porcs and a ripper but for now its decent. im going to save to get a second one because i feel that two of these will really be better. just got to get used to the trajectory but so far its not bad, its kinda like a mammoths trajectory.
got 2 contact 2m modules… not sure why but hey why not?
i was thinking of getting a few therms to sell later on and a few iris’ to sell later on to. still deciding on that.
i was thinking about maybe 1 rift but… idk what id use them for…
anyone think i should grab a few incase they rise in price?
Just my opinion, but I’d say forget the contacts and rifts as an investment. Right now, there are are 481 folks selling contacts, and not one buyer. 721 people are selling rifts, and not one buyer. Those two items are primarily used by fusion builders, and they seem to be a very small niche.
mmm point taken…
im hoping they do more with the contact module like letting us have little carriers or something. i made 2 just to have them incase they do do something with them. just as backup ya know?
rifts dont seem particularly useful. i mean it could be for some builds but idk.
The fusion builders use rifts in this way: let’s say they want one partner to control all movement, and the second one to be mounted on top of the first partner’s build. The non-moving partner’s build is built on stilts connected to rift(s). To connect together, the moving partner postions himself below the non-moving partner; the partner on stilts detonates the rift, and falls onto the moving partner and they connect with the contacts (assuming they’re both lined up perfectly, and they better be, because you only get one shot at this).
Not all fusion builds need rifts, but for the ones who want to stack up on each other, this is how they generally do it.