I HATE clan confrontation (rant)

We need a drone mode and disguised patrol mode where bums think they are playing pvp…cause that is what most of the complainers need. They want to feel competent and this is just another mode that robs them of that, leaving them flailing for excuses that fall even flatter than when they use them to rail against CW.

Confrontation is not for new players but is still easily played by those with 6 months of experience or by those that are willing to spend $100 on packs tocspeed it up. Unlike CW, you dont need much fused gear. A fused radiator is probably all that is really needed.

You’ve mentioned the degunning thing a few times, and at first I wasn’t sure what you meant, but I think I understand now.

I think two things happened this year that had an unintended result.

First, the introduction of the two defensive modules allowed MGs to be a lot more durable. This was a good thing overall, as it made flimsy weapons a lot more viable. But at the same time, those formerly delicate MGs are good at degunning other vehicles, and now they’re durable enough to degun someone else before losing your own guns.

Second, the camera steering for strafing parts changed how people build hovers, and then the same techniques were applied to other strafing parts. Remember when that patch first dropped, and hover players were complaining about their builds no longer working? Well it only took a few weeks for the horseshoe design to become dominant, and it’s perfect for burying MGs and other DPS weapons.

So now we have seemingly invincible DPS weapons that are great at degunning others, and I don’t know what they can do about it.

Clearly the projectile changes were meant to address that, but cannons still aren’t penetrating those horseshoe builds.

I don’t think they should remove either of the things that led to this, as they were good changes overall. But I do think they need to continue tweaking projectiles so that strafing MG builds have more weaknesses.

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I agree, I think many of these guys want an arcade shooter style game.

Mid and low PS PvP missions can provide this type of feel since half the players are worse then the bots.

It’s not anything against that person, but when faced with the facts that they don’t really know how to play the game it’s kind of devastating.

They need to get mad, train up and get even.

Very astutely put

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The game is in the best state and shape it has been since October last year.

That is a correct analysis, however after the space armor update, mgs are no longer the gods that they once were.
They can no longer make a light armor 95km hover and tank the world, they had to go heavier to be viable, thus slower, thus no longer being able to de-gun anyone at will.
Plus the horseshoe design has been meta since last year, just not so much on hovers, mostly spiders.

Mgs are still good though and cannons do penetrate mg builds, just not as well as scorpions.

If i want a long distance weapon and my aim is decent why would i EVER chose something with limited penetration and non precise damage, instead of something with infinite penetration and a chance each shot takes something very important out of the enemy because of that.

These are the most weapons played clanwars, the list is of the last week but its been more than a month its practically the same.

The first 2 weapons are the infinite penetration broken one on first spot, and the one that best counters that on second.
It must be a coincidence!
Mgs are no longer close to be most played.
And scorpion is maybe 50% more broken in random matches than clan wars.

Anyway, on topic:

The update took weeklies from solo play, increased them and put them on a clan based system, get the hint?

And i dont think that the mode has any sort of win/loss algorithm like random matches that take care of people giving them bots to shoot and forcing a 50-50.


I think the remaining issue is that there isn’t a scorpion alternative for mid-PS. I mean sure, you can run scorpions down there, but I don’t see many of them, and there aren’t any other weapons that can penetrate like that.
Personally, I think they just need to keep tweaking the projectile mechanics to make cannons a bit more viable against that type of build.

Nevertheless, melee is still pretty effective against horseshoe builds, although spiders can survive a melee attack a lot better than hovers or omniwheels. That’s not a bad thing though, as spiders should have that niche.

Another alternative would be to introduce another epic weapon that specifically targets pass-through parts like blockchains do. I’m thinking maybe some kind of acid weapon, that ignores pass-through and does full damage to those parts? Blockchains are cool, but too big to be truly effective. Adding another tool to melt gun mounts and buggy floors could accomplish a lot.

CLAN WARS! :man_facepalming:

or just, you know, rip one off the exhibition and use that. and combat skill? LOL if i had a dollar for every build i came across thats just R2 mashing then id be able to afford multiple packs in here. there is no combat skills when people are running the exact same builds all the time. and sure theres ALOT of skills required to toss a relic on your build and just frustrate the hell out of people with porcs.

you and me have very different views on this mode but thats fine. im not a pvp person and you are so you like what you like, but i wont agree :smirk:

it is DISGUSTING how many builds i come across with all fused items. i came across very few people who didnt have literally everything and the kitchen sink fused. these people had a major advantage over all other players and to me that just isnt fair. i didnt even have my remedies fused and i was at a HUGE disadvantage despite having my blight and my bigfoots fused. my build would just fall apart instantly. even when i got the jump on someone id die, even when my flamethrowers were directly hitting the guns they wouldnt come off and theyd out damage me everytime. the worst builds were those damn box builds on gerrida legs.
i also seen ALOT of people running around with omamoris to. this module is just downright unfair, it gives people a huge advantage over others and makes them far more durable then they should be. oh and they are giving it a 100 durability buff to absorb damage but the charge has to fully run out before it can be charged again… :expressionless:

dont you give me sass or ill… uhh… tickle you with my daze module! … yeah i couldnt come up with a joke :rofl:

then why do i half the time get put with people who are randoms and be places against people in full clans or in partial clans like 3/4 people. these always result in me losing. even when the other team is random i lose almost all the time. it might be because of my build but i see ALOT of people running around with fully fused builds.


Some of the comments here puzzle me.

Communication? You don’t even need a Doppler.
4-men premade? People seldom do it because only individual performance matters, and bringing good teammates will deprive you of points.
Clan Wars lite? It has much more in common with PvP than CW, for sure.
Scorpions? Nah, they’re a non-factor in Confrontation. 9k Scorp hovers die in 0.5 to any mediocre melee build with stealth…

I despise this update, but Clan Confrontation is mostly working as intended. It’s like regular PvP, you hardcarry your three randoms or lose :neutral_face:. You do one session, score 10k+ points, log off and forget this cursed game for the rest of the week.
Also need to say that I use a 2 years old, half-fused, jank-looking PvP car that was never optimized for the PS played (The extraflat and long Whirl car I posted a few times). Barely reaching 8500PS. No difference. It’s certainly a poor player mode.

I’m willing to offer comments on builds and vids, here or in PMs, if someone wants advice. I can also provide builds on PC’s exhib.


100% - I wouldn’t even concider playing this mode in a group. You have to fight your own team for points and why would I want to fight clan mates?

When I play solo confrontation I don’t care if anyone else gets any points :slight_smile:

And the best thing is they built the Match Maker so you never have to fight a clan member.

Confrontation feels more like PvP lite.

If you que solo youre gonna lose a lot in confrontation mode. Its not as lax as regular pvp. Get a team going. If you still always lose its a skill issue. Work until you find a build that works. Not everyone can be the better player.

If I wanted that, I would be playing that.
What I want, is to not be cut out of nearly all rewards through poor implementation of a good idea. Just add the Idea. Then work on adjusting the rewards. Pretty basic problem work. One step at a time.

I know how to play the game. It is not hard to play 4v4. I have littered the forum with posts stating “It isn’t hard to get ore, it’s hard to get top 20 and up”

I wonder why you don’t just play CW but need a “baby” version of it to find your fix tbh. This screams either a skill issue or a confidence issue.

I don’t need to play 9k BABY CW to feel powerful or that I have skill. I can, could and already did do that in CW.

Because that is all confrontation mode is, baby CW. For me, I already played that. It’s not a “new, fun and interesting” mode.

Ok so now 1/3 of the game is off limits, but they don’t know how to play the only mode that offers rewards so…where exactly do they “train up” at??
The logic of this is so mind bending its not even in this galaxy.

“They don’t have skill, don’t know how to play and should go look for rewards where they were removed in order to “get gud”.”


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I win more then I lose in solo ques.
Also you can still earn points for good games even if you lose.

The loses are mostly from random guys that “think” they know how to play the game, but then realize that Confrontation is not mindless PvP missions. In missions they felt like a god, but in Confrontation they are mere mortals.

Half of the wins are pretty intense where I feel like maybe me and one other guy in the team are doing all the work - those battles are exciting to me, I will take the loses to have this type of adrenaline rush game play. I feel like most guys don’t even want to try to win.

The other half of the wins I luck out and get a good team and we just steam roll the other side.

I do think my experience will be out of the norm for most since many if these guys spent all their time in Raids and Patrol and never really learned to play the game against human players. Also I have solo qued PvP for around 6 years, so I’m used to not having a team to support me. I also think console guys have an advantage in getting used to the mode because we have 6vs6 PvP - so going to 4vs4 is not much of a change. Going from 8vs8 to 4vs4 is going to take a second to get used to.

It sounds like you don’t quite have the equipment yet. Try 5k builds, the system does PS match somewhat.

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If there was an algorithm you wouldnt always be losing, for peacekeeping the algorithm would be exactly like randoms 50/50.
The mere existence of the algorithm and bots should be giving us the hint that maybe they cant balance well but they really dont want to piss of casual people, at least when it comes to combat.

Monkey and i have analyzed it here Confrontation balance - #69 by 91423005

Yea i know the update pissed casual people off but they do it anyway every now and then…

Nonono sir, clan wars is organized 4v4, its completely different than a random match 4v4.
Its like saying random solo queue Leauge of Legends is the same as 5v5.

Its a completely different game and even the same metas often dont apply to the same modes.

Dogs have to be mastered to a more flexible build that has range which can pressure the target of the dog into a more assailable position, or they have to be a coordinated pack that can simultaneously conduct 4 1v1’s against the entire enemy team with good enough comms. Try finding a pack to roll with. Possibly have one buddy you can dog with and use two griffons. One gets you both outside their LOS and radar range, then you both cloak and the second griffon is popped to get you both into the enemy team immediately without them ever knowing despite having a verifier. Have one player on your team with a doppler push up to the middle of the map to give you both intel and delay the enemy advance while you both do this. With two griffs you deny long distance doppler spotting, and deny shorter distance verifier use so the enemy is blind for your entire approach.

A stray dog is no match for this mode.

Confrontation was way more fun the first week it started (larger build diversity, many players) than it is currently (only a handful of build types / guns, stale cheese meta for the sweatiest of individuals, stale playerbase)

It really feels like it amplifies and condenses everything I dislike about the game and pvp matches, it’s everything I don’t want to do in the game / don’t enjoy at all

I really hope that they start to ease off this new clan and group-focused gameplay style once they loose enough money. Or that they go even further into it, at which point I can genuinely stop playing this game as it reached a point of no longer providing enjoyment, honestly for me personally it’s been leaning more and more towards abandoning the crossout ship ever since the supercharged update, all I need is 1 more large scale bad decision and I’m free

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I love clan confrontation, although I’m not particularly good at it.

I’m actually enjoying it more this week, as I have a better idea of what builds and tactics I’m going to see a lot of, and can focus on countering those (or copying the winning strategies).

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I personally think the exact opposite, this mode amplifies everything I like about the game. The mode feels like I need a least “minimal” skill to do well in confrontation. Unlike PvP where 75% of the guys don’t even know how to play and are like “why don’t my art build work in PvP?” Lol? Really? You really don’t know why? It’s kind of like “Why does my Toyota Camry lose every time I enter a Formula 1 race?”

What you describe is what Clan Wars is about, So I would have say for a mini-version of CWs they did it perfectly.

I will probably like it better when I can devote attention to building and playing than right now while am worried about fishing. (limiting out everyday right now, pretty sweet).

I don’t mind the idea of the mode, only how rewards have changed. I don’t even mind the 10x point difference in reward.
But rewards should have been added for people that participate in clans, not removed for those that do not.

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Confrontation scratches that itch where I get to absolutely blast clannies in my art build who think max ps CW is where all the skill is at and that their downloaded builds are the best.