Ive been working on a mech and im pretty happy with it,but I have a problem with the 2 millers I have mounted on it.They’re mounted on either side on the bottom of an arm,and its been built in a way to distract people from shooting its anchor point.But the thing is,people just shoot the guns themselves and not the arms like I had planned.How could I armor the guns to keep from getting shot? (I’ll add a pic later,can’t right now)
The guns will only fire forwards where youre facing, so make an outer layer of armor along the outsides of the guns, so they cant be shot by an enemy unless youre facing each other. If you can get 500 armor or more on the sides, thatll effectively increase their durability from sides shots by that much.
This could work,but with the way the guns are mounted,being upside down with a wide base and a very small gap between the barrel and the base,I can’t fit anything other than a fender i front of it.I’ll post a pic in a bit to really show it in detail.gimme about an hour and a half.Also,theyre being shot from the front to begin with
They fire left and right enough for a camera steered mech to mount them sideways, making them smaller targets, and then you can fit the armor on the sides of them. Basically put the guns in the armpit, and cover them with an arm, but mount them sideways to make it happen. Test drive it in your range and make sure you like the firing angles. Hope this helps
i tried that,but the mag of the guns locked the rotation completely,not to mention that i already have my ammo storage and generator in my armpits,and pushing the guns any closer to the mech would not only bring back the rotation problem,but also force me to remove 2 vital pieces of armor that cover said ammo and generator
and the arms have radiators built into them as well.this thing has a massive cooling system
Try using some pass-through parts (buggy floors, ect) to get the guns further away from whatever is blocking them, then attach armour to that.
Basically you want to build a box around them, which is only open in front.
Yes, this means that anyone facing you can hit your guns, but you should be shooting their guns as the same time.
One way you can protect your guns from the front without messing up your firing angles too much is by extending your armour on the front of the cabin. If you are careful with your angles, it doesn’t need to block your barrels, but will provide some protection, especially against projectile weapons. A lot of projectiles have very large hitboxes, which means that they can be blocked by armour that isn’t actually in front of your gun. The projectile is often too large to actually fit through the corridor you’ve created for your guns to fire through.
Those magazines can be annoying to build around. Experimentation is key.
Edit: you might want to reconsider putting your generator and ammo boxes near your guns. You can assume people will be aiming for your guns, which means those modules are more likely to get hit and take out your whole build. Try putting them behind the cabin.