I won (finally) + other things about the Blackout battle. (please read)

After likely over 100 battles in blackout (a lot I know), I finally got a win as survivor!! :open_mouth:

Now no one can say it is impossible, it’s just insanely hard (especially without a group to help) :laughing:

Things I’ve noticed:
The ravagers seem weaker than last time, they die super easily now. Lloyd’s aircraft/ship/whatever it’s called has a lot of durability still though. I had a battle (not the one pictured above), we had him down on the ground with a lack of thrust and armor, still somehow alive, and we all wiped because he was too armored still somehow :unamused: I still have no idea what the cameras by the ravager spawns are for though, they don’t seem to do anything yet.

Tips and Tricks:
Turn off the terminals, the safest is the farthest on the left, but you gotta get all 3. The one by the gate isn’t horrible, just shoot before they get to you and you’ll be fine. The one right next to the ravager spawn (far right) is the most dangerous, but it helps to be up against it, touching the terminal with your build. The ravagers don’t turn very well, so they will have a hard time touching you the closer you are to this terminal. It also helps if you are facing away from the terminal in nearly any other direction to make a quick getaway.

Tips and Tricks 2:
Avoiding the lasers. The first laser, if you are in front smash the railings on the right, but don’t fall off, then go under the beam onto the left and hug the wall, get as close as possible. If you fall behind then idk :sob: Second laser (before generator), hug the building on the left, it helps block the laser, then wait until the laser is away and full send it (be sure there’s no ravagers though).

Tips and Tricks 3:
Kill the ravagers. The ravager EYEs explode, stun the ravagers, and deal damage, so the eyes can make them even easier to kill, if they don’t die from it immediately.

Tips and Tricks 4:
If you are infected or become a ravager at any point, do not leave the battle before the end. I know it may make some people mad, but you gotta think of the other people too, plus you get temporarily banned from certain modes if you leave too much before the end.

Tips and Tricks 5:
Stay in a group. Survivors are better in a group so they can defend each other and make it harder for the ravagers to get to you. More people in group equals more bullets which equals less ravager. The group tactic also help ravagers too, because more targets can overwhelm the survivors and make it hard to kill all of them. Even if one or 2 or a few ravagers die, there will still be more left to kill the survivors. Teamwork helps guys!!

Tips and Tricks 6:
Don’t fall behind. As a survivor, if you fall behind you will take damage and maybe even die. As a ravager, if you fall behind you are likely not killing the survivors and therefore are not helping the team. Simply self-destruct (hold backspace) to respawn back into the battle where the survivors are.

Tips and Tricks 7:
Speed and power (aka acceleration) are important. These will help you outrun the ravagers. If you are slow you will be an easier target and likely die. I use kronos and finwhale with minimal wheels for my build, but if you are on a budget growl+cheetah might work too, just not quite as well. Don’t add too many wheels, as these reduce acceleration/power.

Tips and Tricks 8:
Use anything that can shoot a lot of bullets quickly. MGs and Autocannons are best imo. Cannons take too long to reload and will not kill swarms of ravagers very well. The lower damage of fast-firing guns will add up as you shoot more, and the ravagers have low durability so they fall apart easily without the need for high damage weapons. Don’t forget the radiators/coolers!!

I would add more but I’d be surprised if any of you actually read all that. :laughing:


Well, I usually stay in the back and do my own thing, laying waste to as many ravagers as I can, protecting the team, and only follow at the last minute (if I’m still alive). Someone needs to be the hero, why not me?

How many crackers did you get?. I nearly won once with 2 toadfish plus king minelayer on hadron cab. I got like 24 crackers I think for that near win.

:open_mouth: I forgot to screenshot the rewards!! :sob:

A little trick I picked up as well is that when playing as a ravager there is usually at least one side that does not have an eye. Soo find the side that doesn’t have an eye and charge at the survivor that way. If lets say the left side doesn’t have an eye than move with the left side pointing towards the enemy at all times. This will require disabling camera steering but you will take out much more people that way.

linking that to this…

it’s from the final Battle Topic

I feel like the biggest thing that affects the win/loss ratio is just other players. If you have ass builds that don’t do much, or players who get 5+ players deleted by Lloyd laser at the start, it’s pretty much game over. Even at the best ravager players, if you have a good enough team you should be able to manage.

Worst things people can do is bring a slow build that blocks entryways, especially at the meat grinder walls/spicy water area. If you get stuck behind some build with max 60-75 sped it can spell doom, specially if someone with a fast build speeds ahead and activates the lagging behind-heating destruction. Too many times the game is pretty much lost at that area because of slow teammates, that cause you to become spider food from lagging behind one, or you have to slow down near the spicy water and end up falling into it because someone in front of you is going 50km/h

Honestly this mode shows very well just how generally brain damaged or retarded most of the playerbase can be. I am grinding about 1 duck crate per day (please kill me I want it to stop) and my god, multiple matches with people standing in front of the first gate drooling from their mouths for several minutes and only 2 of the 3 computers or whatever hacked (the on near the gate and the one near the spider spawn) and people completely oblivious that there is one in the back (I know some people farm spider kills here but sometimes they clearly are not and just confused why no gate open why gate no open? And driving against the gate in a big pile like it helps)

And then the spot after the second Lloyd laser, where you have to shoot the huge red eye, multiple matches people generally confused and ramming at the gate and nobody shooting at the big red eye you need to destroy to go forward, and me standing there with no guns from the laser, hoping that any of these people knows what to do and no everyone swarmed by spiders because they are a big pile at the gates confused as to shy gate no open why gate be of shut?

I’ve only won once in this mode, and it was with 3 players at the end knowing what to do, systematically killing following spiders so they all get locked after the gates, ganking Lloyd just in time to run away when the spiders are released and escaping

I’ve had games where there’s 6-7 players left that reach Lloyd and then get destroyed by said Lloyd from not having guns that can touch him and dying to a few spiders everyone ignored following them while focusing on Lloyd

try to win a team game where nobody understands teamplay

OMG I won a second time as survivor!!

I got 27 this time :laughing: :sob:

Edit: forgot to paste the screenshot lol



How?? :sob:

Yeah, but did nucock find 76 cameras? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :crazy_face:



i actually disasemble it :sob:

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