Idea for a relic kapkan

Just rework the graphics for the Quasar. Make it an advanced version with a stun feature and a graphic that looked like a flying electrified net. To me the Quasar has the firing characteristics of this supposed net launcher, but without the stun feature I think you’re after. Just add it, and rework the graphics.

Not really

Kapkan DID as a counter to dog builds, but as states, they have now been made next to useless. They add some strategy to the game rather than just hard push as fast as possible so people cannot get away. Sadly, this is CW at the moment which is funny as Devs are saying they want to slow the game down and they nurf what actually slows the game.

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I agree 100%

As soon as it drops a car to 0, then it should release.

It already takes to log to get your momentum back.

The Stun perk on the typhoon was removed for a reason. kapcans are worse then that and give a better stun then the old Typhoon perk to any build with 2 spare points.

I think that stuns and thing that completely stop cars from working is the wrong direction for the game.

Typhoon Stun Perk - Was OP - got removed
Hammerfall stun perk - Was OP - Got removed
Kapcan - was OP - got nerfed

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They have been nerfed so much that another nerf is point-less kapkans are useless nowdays, they only stop build going 40km an hour that do not have support modules…

Kapkan dies not need any more nerfs, it needs a rework, look at other minelayers, they are balanced, so why not just make a complete rework of how kapkan functions instead of trying to make it even more garbage than what it already is?

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I do agree here.

I think kapcan should work more like the legendary version. I think that kind of weapon is more fair.

i like the kapkan… except when the enemy ai is using it lol.
the thing is, the kapkan is supposed to be a defensive weapon. this is what people dont get about defensive weapons, they are supposed to help defend against people comming at you so you can either make a getaway or get to a better spot while dealing some damage. i have always used the kapkan for this purpose, i dont use it as an offensive weapon at all, i use them as their purpose was intended, to defend yourself.

an example of this was annihilator drones, they were broken before, run 3 or 4 on your build and literally noone can do anything about them due to the height and their ability of always targetting your cabin, on top of draining your power and drive speed and how hard they were to hit these were deadly combinations. this weapon was made for defense but people butchered them and made them an offensive weapon. i only has 1 annihilator and still do, i used mine for its soul purpose, DEFENSE. if someone were attacking me on my fuze build id send my annihilator after them to slow them and make a get away, id even drop fuzes to get a hit on the already slowed person, thats how this was meant to be run. but people always exploit everything for anything. so its why we cant have nice things in games.

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Ya, those features do sort of suck the life out of the game. I can live without it.

Kapkans are not useless, where did you read that? I see them regularly in CW, they’re a pain in the butt. 2 energy points and you’ve got to roll out the Interceptor builds and plan around it harder than anything else. They just went from absolutely OP, to just obnoxious and played all the time in the competitive mode.


They are annoying, but still mostly useless, having speed greater than 70 km, a cloak, or a “cloak cabin” colliding on kapkans and an extrtreme ammount of modules(also, going directly over kapkans at any speed will 100% prevent them from hooking you, and even destroys them sometimes)

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I go 80 kmh, 22 tons, 10 wheels, they stop me like I’m a ballon lol :joy:


Go over them, not next to them, they even unhook you.

That’s why porc kap hovers have 2 kaps, one on each side :’^)

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And this still works well


They are the only builds i see that use it, but i only see them use them in raids, in CW i see quad porcs more frequently than porcupine kapkan, and teo kapkans can be broken easyly, just go in a straight line where you would pass trought both kapkans one after the other.

My topic is about a relic version of the traps, just let you know guys :wink:stay in the topic ,thanks.

Or any suggestion for a relic support weapon? Smoke grenade launcher, a tazer gun…

The dev team made a smoke launcher years ago, they had determined that the smoke effect is to much for the game to handle and the weapon was scraped before it launched.

They even official announced it was coming, and then had to reverse the announcement.

This would be a different topic right? I’ll start a thread on that.

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Most People don’t want a relic version of the Kapcan in game. So the only thing most people can say about this topic is “No thank you”