- Zarrurer
- gangsterism
- MudnBeer
- The_Purple_Snit
- Lexi_Games
- derp_driver
- obsidianet
- Olda_Syre__ek
- FuggDaDevs
- mupppet42069
- wrightsgamingYT
- Poony4u
- AFluffyBadger
- Warbrand2
just for fun.
i know i missed listing some people.
just for fun.
i know i missed listing some people.
What about da hampter? Should I be mod?
yes—+1 For the Hamp !
i did forget some people,but i have to start over a n copy n paste everytime.lol
despite having no “training” i think id be a better mod than 99% of the current monkeys because i have this long thing called a “spine” inside my back
How did I get involved in this???
huh, me as an option eh?
i know sometimes i can be a bit much but if i were a mod id take the job a bit more seriously. especially since moderators need to be kind and whatnot.
i mean id be flattered if anyone voted for me lol.
I’d actually turn down such an offer if ever approached with that (I mean it won’t ever happen but let’s imagine it did) because I am simply too lazy to do anything, let alone agree to do do any kind of “actual work”
I’d just post dick picks and anime music until they “fired” me
Ida know, if I was picked, I’d add a Trump pic to every thread, and ban anyone who complained. After all, I’m a Snit.
I voted Pony 4 you.
Glad im low on the list, im just here to vent and talk crap.
Pff, I’d do a much better job than all these wallies!!!
Everyone banned
That’s why I voted for you.
I’ll get back to you.
Probably neither of yas