Impulsiveness brawl sucks

i only tried spikes to see how well they would work, i wanted to try out different weapons but seeing how i was being harassed at every turn i decided to skip that mode… even though i kind of wanted that smoke stack exhaust thingy.

can you blame me after putting up with the whole “git gud” bullshit people do all the time?
also the way you worded it, how else did you think it would come across as? i wouldnt have taken as much offense to it if you said “just practice with them in pvp a bit” instead of how you worded it there.

there are rotors allowed in that mode?? its funny cause i tried the mode twice and didnt see any. :thinking:

i would do those… if they had rewards… :expressionless:

could you imagine a sideways mandrake build flying through the air?

you don’t have to, it already exist.

My friend grinds spikes and he has a levi of spikes and he LAUNCHED me bro.

It’s a silly arcade mode brawl, and not meant to be taken seriously.

It’s not a flaw that high impulse weapons perform best: that is lit the whole point of the brawl.

So yes, toadfishes and spikes are at the top of the heap, since they deal out lots of impulse and don’t have much recoil. But if you don’t have crossbows, there are a bunch of other weapons that shine. Missiles and cannons are both pretty good too, for example.

I’m not convinced that movement parts matter much, beyond helping to deal with recoil. I played an old wheeled toadfish build, and didn’t feel like I was struggling against strafing builds.
Last time the even came up I tried avalanche on legs and it also worked. Also tried waltz in the last and was pleased.

It’s not a mode that’s supposed to be fair for every weapon: it’s specifically an event that favours high impulse weapons. It’s literally in the name of the brawl.


Nuff said…if they dont get it by now they never will.
btw, maces shotgun use to be good here b4 the nerfs. :saluting_face:

XD I took my Ava dragon in there even though i have dinos in the back i got flung around like a rag doll.after that i said Fk that mess XD

I’ve only seen tester recruitment news posts on the Russian version of the website. Which leads me to believe that they only recruit Russian testers. Which would suggest those are exclusively Russian players. And we know they’re different. For example, if the developers asked your for feedback before releasing this brawl, you might be inclined to let them know that in its current state it leaves too much room for playing nasty tricks on people, and it needs more work and effort. To a Russian player, on the other hand, being beaten up, driven over, then peed in the face is just a daily trip to school or a grocery store, so a Russian tester would have simply written, “Eez good!” :upside_down_face: :smiling_face_with_tear:

A few days ago, after winning a Next Step battle, I said “gg :slightly_smiling_face:” in the battle chat. A Russian player commented in his language something like, “Why are you smiling, stupid.” My score was the lowest, but he was using two Pulsars on an agile helicopter. You know, one of those OP bitch setups that are very hard to counter. I did my best with 3 Fukibaris (all crafted), while being focused by one mech player most of the battle. But that’s the attitude, that’s how they are in that country. That player didn’t rock that OP shit just to win, he made it a point to let a random player know who’s the useless bitch. I have it on video, if someone wants to see, I can post it, no problem. I’ll just take me some 2 hours to upscale before uploading to YT, but It’s available on request. In case someone feels like calling me out. :wink: