sorry but im not interested in getting hit by some chucklefuck running 3 or 4 god damn toadfishes at once shooting me in the back and one shotting me from afar. this is so infuriating because anytime im trying to line up a shot or am trying to shoot someone some asshat with a superiority complex shoots me in the back cause im an easy target all cause hes on hovers and im not on legs or as maneuverable as him.
fuck this brawl man.
im sure it might be more palette able at lower ps but this is just infuriating getting killed by the same asshole over and over again cause they stalk and harass me.
impulseiveness brawl? more like an exhaust pipe measuring contest.
yeah just got a message from someone calling me a fag to.
is this what the game has devolved into? stalking and harassing people in matches then calling them insults? some people really have no lives and need to go outside and touch grass for once in their lives.
i know that some of the community is toxic but wow i didnt know some people can be such man children. then again i think a child would be the best way to describe them.
if you all are wondering im on wheels and he is on hovers along with everyone else being on legs. so yeah i think i was singled out and picked on. so basically gradeschool bullying tactics. “oh this guy isnt running a build thats legs or hovers? time to harass the shit out of him!” no wonder people leave this game.
Yeah the impulsiveness brawl is a pretty toxic mode all in all, it can be fun though but only if you get real lucky with nobody running crossbows, and in the newer version of this brawl legs.
Then again this is a perfect example of how the devs usually treat all of this game, there is one specific OP part or build type and nothing else matters
Cheese mode for cheesers who don’t have the testicles needed to not take the easiest way out, if you have no confidence in your ability with crossbow in regular combat in here people can pretend they are good with crossbows
There are also some really wonky things in this mode, like for example explosions not having any impulse on weapons with delayed explosion, like Imugi or Phoenix. And the Imugi does not have any impulse at all, even though on a normal test track it does have some considerable impulse from time to time (when the grenades hit the enemy, not when they explode). Kensei cabins perk when active nullifies some of the extra impulse from enemies for some reason, making you able to drive towards a crossbow player and not get flung around that much.
All in all the mode had some serious problems even when it first came out (crossbow instantly delete a build due to how fast the build is going when it’s been knocked back) and instead of really fixing anything they just added legs (which are programmed to not suffer from almost any impulse at all due to how they handle knockback so they can keep standing upright)
But honestly on the other hand it’s pretty ignorable, the plastic reward is not big enough to run this mode constantly (though much more palatable than doing plastic raids that take forever and suck) and the daily challenges are pretty easy to pull off, and the rounds seem to last only 1-2 minutes max due to everyone cheesing it, even if it takes 5 matches to finish a get 5 kills or assists challenge by getting 1 per match while being flung around by crossbows, it’s pretty easy all in all. And if people are being extra full of themselves you can just laugh at it because they’re boosting their ego on the cheesiest of modes, it’s like stealing candy from children and parading yourself as a master criminal, at the end of the day they’re sad children desperately looking for attention their normal life does not give them, and you too can ignore them just like everyone else in their lives does to them
dude the guy hit me with the first volley of the toadfish and just instantly killed me. he was stalking me around the arena killing me whenever he seen me. its pathetic to harass someone like that constantly but extremely sad that they had no skill because they had to focus on one target and constantly harass them and stalk them.
the problem is that toadfish and spikes have far to much impulse. just instantly deleting someone like that is stupidly unfair. i tried using spikes but they are just… idk hard to use in that mode for me. my spikes are fused for more impulse which… if all 3 hit someone they are instantly gone… that or im sending them into low earth orbit lol.
dude, i felt that burn from here and i wasnt even the one being toxic. damn can i come to your bbq next time?
seriously though i find them doing that to be extremely sad and pathetic. also calling people slurs is extremely childish. they sound like people that their parents never punished in their entire lives and just kiss their ass at every whim.
they are sad cause they cant win at a normal pvp match. oh well.
Glad I’m not a kid anymore. I use a triple toadfish build for that mode, but since I’m not in it to dominate people, I make an effort not to attack weaker players (you can usually tell just by looking at their cube-on-wheels with 2 guns on top).
LoL I must be a softy or a fool; somedays I can’t tell which.
Crossbows are my least favorite weapon, so I don’t own any. That makes this brawl impossible. No other weapon has impulse? I tried running 3, 88 cannons and it pushes them back two feet.
You might try rockets. A friend reported he had very good success with pyres; apparently few people were expecting to face rocket cars, and didn’t build to defend against them.
gee let me dodge a literal shaft of metal coming at me from out of nowhere while on WHEELS. meanwhile literally everyone else is running on hovers and fricken battlewalker legs.
the elden ring community would love to welcome you into their toxic community of people who love spamming “git gud”.
So your complaint is that your using the same weapons as everyone else but they are just better? And before you start on the “its the hovers” or “its the legs” rubbish, plenty of players use crossbows on wheel builds and kick ass.
Then you moan because I suggested you get better (as in practice!)…
Stick to fighting the bots dude lol (there are bots in this game mode, have at them!)