In-Game Suggestion: Big G & Ampere Size

Make Them 2x2x4 (16 blocks) Instead of 3x3x2 (18 blocks)

The Reason - Old Game Design, There is no much Combination of Parts to Set Up This Generators “Properly”

Mostly Every HardWare Module has (4 blocks) of the volume dimensions, except:

  1. Iris, But Iris + Radio Makes (4 blocks)
  2. Fuel Barrel (2x2x3), But Mostly Replaced with Fuel Tank (2x2x6), Also Can Be Changed to 2x2x4
  3. Genesis (2x2x3), But Supposed to used Multiple In One Build
  4. Power Unit, But Rarely Seen, Also Can Be Changed to 2x2x4

Also i Would Add Chameleon Mk2, because of his 5 blocks length and 3 blocks height (5x4x3) what makes this Module also Hard to Set Up, Including it’s very low Durability

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