its the same thing with jotuns sadly. the initial hit damage is lovely and sometimes i can actually pop peoples explosives on a direct hit which is fun. the mortar seems to have a big explosion area.
i dislike that they nerfed the incinerator into the ground though. i dislike how they made bots avoid puddles though, even when i was lobbing my shots from afar the bots would “see” them and move out of the way… my jaw was on the floor when i seen that nonsense. i had to be mid range just to hit them. weirdly though im coming across ALOT of people running incinerators for some reason… barely anyone runs jotuns but im seeing a ton more incinerator play now.
Incinerators are still fine for Levi Invasions. You almost always come in 4th place in damage done, but you’re supporting the other 3 players on the team immensely, when you keep the Levi heated up. If I’m on a seasoned team, they’ll pin the Levi while I roast it and I can make it to 3rd place in damage done. I still get the same amount of copper as everyone else, so I don’t care what place I come in.
Same thing in PVE. There, I used a tricked-out copter build with the incins. In PVE, I’m focused on looking for 2 or more bots huddled together, or supporting players going one-on-one against heavy bots. Before the nerf, I used to make MVP 4 out of 5 times; post-nerf, maybe 2 out of 5 times, but who cares.
PVP and raids? Waste of time using incinerators.
you should really scroll up to your other comments
You only get 200 fuel. Imo that’s the limitation, not time.
I’ve just upped to mandrakes, that’s a challenge but damn its rewarding when you clock off tens of thousands of damage in one volley. Crazy support weapon that’s capable of getting you MVP as long as your team has an IQ above 40!
its faster to complete than a raid
dude mandrakes are awesome if you land all your shots. im trying to get a second one to get them big numbers. im hoping the bug happens again when the devs “accidently” gave them 9999 hp
Did I mention how many repair kits I hafta craft just so I can play Levi Invasions, since the Incin nerf? I’m averaging 1.5 per invasion. Used to be like 0.33. Still fun, but nowhere near as profitable as it used to be.
Same as in raid, you tried to suggest leviathan raid is not efficient, but it is.
If i understood this right, they nerfed the fire to buff the ice, right?
And they buffed the AI to not stand in the fire/ice.
So, might not be just the fire nerf fault, but also the AI buff that causes your drop in performance, right?
So, even if you change from fire to ice poodles your problem will remain.
Looking to Leviathans ( i’m not doing those in a while ), they are big i will not say slower but they are easier to hit than the every day build in PVP. So despite you are not as agile with your new weapon, you will hit nevertheless… in theory
Why don’t you make a special build just for leviathans? If you do them that often?
Something that can hit hard, that can cloak on demand, you know, hit and run tactics
You probably will spend a “bit” but if that bit will put back on top, why not ?
If for some reason you don’t get along, you can sell and minimize the losses.
What i would do.
Find myself the most capable gen i can find
yeti and the other thing that goes along
Quasars or something like that ( a hard hitter that stood the test of time, not a new one that’s OP and about to get nerf )
i think they nerfed fire to make it on par with ice. but that really just killed the incinerators playability.
this also plays into above. its not just “they wont sit in the fire / ice” they will actively avoid it. if you lob a shot from far away they will see the shot and move out of its line of fire making the shot miss. this makes strategies with the incinerator and jotun alot worse now. they will actively avoid ice and fire puddles and move out of the way of shots from afar. even mid range they will do this somewhat as well. some bots race into the puddles while others avoid them. this has ruined long range strategies with incinerators and jotuns. on top of this it also makes the guns and defending yourself alot harder. for instance there was a bot shooting me with triggers, i tried to back up to get behind cover, well like an internet stalker he was going everywhere i was going. my shots were landing directly on him to but the bots ai is just so fucken stupid at times “stalk and harass guy till dead, move on to next guy to stalk” like… what?
i think it has to do with the ai being “smarter” and avoiding our puddles. the issue here is i actively have to keep pelting them with jotun / incinerator shots because the damage from the puddle alone just isnt doing it. i think they did this on purpose to fortify the whole “landing direct hits with the jotun / incinerator” bullcrap they switched it to a few months back. you know that upon a direct hit it heats / cools parts more and does hit damage? yeah i think thats what they are trying to enforce with the puddles just being bonus damage. its such crap if you ask me.
yetis are huge dude how can you even fit one on a build?
I’m not running the game right now, and i will not check but it’s not similar in size to an epic ammo box? or oppressor?
And will give you want? 2 minutes or more of cloak, on demand?
In theory you could shoot and go into cloak, reposition, and shoot again, we are talking about a bot it won’t be able to target you, right?
Ok, like in the raids where we can see cannon shots, missiles from steppen/scavengers, probably that is how bots “see”, in advance.they have aimbot assistance
Or both of you find a weapon that doesn’t leave a trace
asking a team mate to block the bot is asking too much…unless the team mate has a daze? dazzle? module.
Will a dragger with one of those modules be enough?
But as a self contained unit i would bet in quasars or helios or something like that.
With pelicans as movement parts to slide out of the way quickly or something in those lines.
Apparently with Incinerators and Jotuns you will need something that will keep the bot in place enough time…
I’m not seeing nothing past draggers or turrets. kapcans won’t work or will be dodgy ( i’ve seen normal bots wasting cannon shots on them )
At least it’s the path i would try to follow if i was big in leviathans and wanted to continue using incs.
chameleons are smaller, the yeti is 8 x 6 x 2 i believe.
if you can hit anything with these god forsaken things…
im picturing 3 birds strapped to your wheels for some dumb reason
bots will tiptoe around a kapkan as well if theres enough room. theyll circle just outside its range and try to shoot at it. like i said kapkans, mines, drones, these are all useless in pve cause bots just hard focus them all the time. i once dropped a king mine out of my launcher and a scorpion bot shot the mine out of the air before it was even half way to the ground. it somehow knew i was launching one and shot at it as it came out of the launcher.
I’m not saying drones, i’m saying turrets ( for what they do best )but i doubt that 3 or 4 will be enough
Not if you drop them beneath them ( which it’s very sketchy to say the least ).
Not very practical
I guess the incinerators fall in a support role in this context, if whoever want to keep using the incinerators will rely on others to keep the leviathan in place, and the others will also need a very specialized build.
Quasar was the first thing to pop in my mind, it can be other thing.
Lucifers and other weapons with a long launch time will not work
Picture a Klingon ship, you will need one if you want to take down a Leviathan on your own.
Time efficient yes, fuel efficient no.
Pretty good.