Is skinner effective against hovers?

Echo is also a favorite for Nidhogg builds, but I think its too slow.

If you use Echo, you need Phobos and Cheetah or Oppressor to get it up to 87 kph.

If they nerfs top speed of vii I might give hadron or echo a try. Right now my build sits at a top speed of 99km/h so only other option would be beholder so ill stick with the ghost for now as it is perfect shape for my build and im making full use of the recent ghost buff with cheetah and chameleon.

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Back when hovers could go 120 i was useing a skinner fire build light cab to catch them and kill them. So it works. Still works now too.

I see your build has the skinner near the highest point. That can be bad for two reasons.

1st reason is it can be shot from 300° around your build. If someone gets caught and killed by you, you’d best believe they’re going to hone in on the skinner first and you are giving them the most possible angles to hit it.

2nd reason is it puts all the weight of their build pulling the highest point on your build, giving them the greatest chance to flip You instead of them.

My suggestion and solution would be to place it where your front gun is. Then you have the lowest center of gravity for them to tug on you. Also, it would stop the enemy from being able to shoot your guns from the back 180° of your build.

Drawbacks to swapping it there are you are less likely to flip builds (especially ground builds), and you would lose the ability to aim towards the back ~120° of your build.

Either way has it’s pros and cons, and honestly only playing with both for an extended period and judging the results will tell you which is better for you.

I would simply save that one, try the other for a few dozen games and pick the one that does better for you.

Good luck


Thx for advice. I got a few variations of this same build I have been experimenting with. The one pictured above, I got one with 2 skinners and a car jack and another few variations and I might soon test out a kapkan/skinner combo. I dunno I can see my new jorg collecting dust yet cause I get way better matches on average with my quad m-39 imp build but I don’t have much else to spend my coin on cause I already got porcs and none of the other relics really interest me.