Is there a reason to level up BP factions?

Am I missing something? Is there any reason to level up these “Battle Pass Factions” like there are the Lunatics, SteppyWolves, FireFarters etc? I get no more parts, blueprints etc, right?


you only get the chance to level them when they show up. you can’t switch to them once they’re gone. If don’t level it, then, you don’t get it unless you buy the Elite Pass. Leveling it to level cap will open you to buying a reduced cost battle pass for 10 bucks.

If you level the BP 1st before buying, it only unlocks certain things, but when you buy the 10 dollar pass after level cap, that pass unlocks everything you level’d up to, plus 1 more level higher than your current progress.

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Not this BP.
This BP is pure Rip-off. No point in even paying unless you saved stuff from a BP from a year ago.

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So, you can level them up when there’s a Founder’s BP, right?

If I’m at level 68, there isn’t any point, though, is there?

I dunno… just trying to figure all this out.

TL;DR: Unless you felt like playing during that particular season, there’s no way to level up those factions.

It’s very confusing; run-of-the-mill “fear of missing out” (FOMO) practice of today’s live service games. Oh? You didn’t feel like playing XO for a couple months? Got a new game that you enjoyed playing more than XO for a couple months? Too bad, you missed out on this season and, therefore, all of these blueprints/parts/stickers, etc. too.

Players pleaded and begged for new factions years ago. So, instead of just going the traditional route; switching to the faction and leveling it up with EXP by just PLAYING THE GAME NORMALLY, the devs figured out how to exploit the players’ desires and monetize the new factions with a copy-spate BP system from Fortnite.


Don’t worry, Crossout is still trying to figure itself out. At this point, here’s how it works. There are the normal factions that we use to level up, then, there are Seasonal Factions that rotate through the year, then, there’s BP factions.

BP Factions tend to be a one time thing.

Seasonal Factions are the ones that show up once a year, like the Knight Riders.

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