Is this a bad idea?

are you sure you can simply move a decimal place? because that is just not the value of crosscrowns.

no, it matters in any scernario since you have crosscrowns left over. whether youre quitting or not, it implies you will continue spending.
it is nothing more than a dirty tactic used by many shitty developers to make money

That is with the bonus attached calc it without the bonus. Your looking for a standard unit price.

You might or you might not that’s on you. If you value your purchase then it doesn’t matter if you don’t value the purchase don’t bother buying it. The argument is that simple. You want to make a big deal out of it because your looking for a reason to call them shitty. It allows you to justify your existing bias.

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a bonus doesnt exist. is is just a “+500” piece of text, nothing more. that is the standard unit price youre looking for. the option to buy 30 coins for 3 euro is a horrible deal, and obviously, its intentional.

yes, thats on you. and also your subconcious decision based on the fact that you have left over coins.

the argument is very simple. as much as you seem to hope so, the company is not your friend. they want to milk players for money. if crossout made exactly 100% of what amount of money was put into it, then it would be closed down, because theyre not here for your entertainment.
they are shitty, dont try to deny this.

Generally speaking so is spending any money on virtual goods. Of course the bonus text is intentional not many people want to spend $100 on a purchase like that. Adding 500 is just a way of trying to make it look like a better deal.

While the virtual currency has no real world value the basic exchange unit rate is still div10. They could toss in any amount and that basic unit rate wouldn’t change.

Depends on how you want to rationalize it. However the reality of using it not doesn’t really matter if your ok with value of the purchase.

I never said that or even implied that.

That’s your bias talking.

They are literally selling you entertainment it’s it’s only function. There is nothing useful about the game outside of it entertaining people.

Again that’s your bias talking. They are a business they expect to make money on selling their product.

the bonus is always there, so it should be counted as the base value of cross crowns.

here youre downplaying the psychological effects that this currency system applies

i dont know why you keep trying to defend this company then

its my bias. so why do you agree with me a point further anyway, after trying to counter argument it?

entertainment is a side product of making money in the niche that is this style of videogame. if targem could sell cans of air for $19.99 each, they would. theyre not here for your entertainment, theyre here to get money, they happen to do so by running a videogame

yea, a business which employs many shitty tactics to milk their players for money.
this should not be the norm.

It doesn’t work that way though.

It’s not something that works 100% of the time on people. There’s a ton of classic pricing and marketing things that function like this too. It’s ok when they don’t work though as there’s nothing negative about them when they don’t work.

It’s simple I’m not biased against them. I keep wondering where they touched you wrong?

Do you see them selling any other merchandise other then the game? No, right. It’s the game only… They could be selling stickers, models, posters, mouse pads, computer accessories (they already have plenty of art to put on stuff…) They aren’t doing that though they are just selling you the game and the entertainment it provides.

Again this is just your bias.

The few crappy tactics that I’ve every really pointed at was the random boxes as rewards they are bit to much like gatcha boxes. Your not paying real money for them in most cases though, they have once or twice popped up for crosscrowns.

yes it does. the core price of crosscrowns is set, its just portrayed as if there was a “bonus”. it exists to generate sales, not to be generous to you.

yea and nobody ever said it did. this is a total non-argument

bad business practices (which we are talking about right now), and p2w in their game (another bad business practice by the way)

no youre right, i dont. because literally nobody would buy it.

i may be biased, but you saying im biased in fact doesnt change the fact that targem (or gaijin (or both)) employ shitty tactics to milk players

you tried to argue that there are no shitty practices done and immediately on the next line you disprove your point?

I’m not sure all their tactics are shitty. Some of them certainly are, but at the end of the day, they do offer an above average, highly innovative, F2P online game. Sometimes they do deliver the goods in high fashion, on time, and with polished excellence. I’m very pleased with my Kensei, and I am certain that more than just I specifically asked for creepy spider-drones, and they have delivered…that cab, though. Wow. I hope they can fix that in editing.

The P2W model isn’t really much of a thing, unless you want it to be (Clan Wars), and even then, there are caveats and exceptions. Nobody is required to make any purchases, foolish or otherwise, to participate successfully in this game.

Ya, they have a P2W lobby going on with Clan Wars, arguably, but basic PVP is full-on F2P, and so is PVE. There is also plenty of premium content for wallet warriors, and why not? I don’t think it’s getting in the way of F2Players, as far as PVP or PVE goes. I think what scares them off is the difficulty of the game in general, or maybe the boredom of the repetitious maps. IDK. This game has other issues besides it’s wonky marketing.

I’ll agree (it’s hard to deny) that there are some pricing games going on; the same kind I find at the local super market, the gas station, and everywhere else (they keep nerfing my Captain Crunch), but it’s too obvious to be a significant threat to healthy people.

I do, however, wish I didn’t have to take an IQ test every time I busted out my wallet, but it is what it is. Nobody is forcing anybody to be stupid, but yes the opportunities to be stupid are endless, and they do help that along here with some of their sales sorcery. A simple warning is enough for most of us, thanks.

Personally, I would love to buy some of their cosmetics, but I won’t, because of the Crosscrown shenanigans. I just won’t shake that hand. I think that is unfortunate, and I’d like them to find a better process for that. I think if they did, they could put more gold and dignity in their own pockets, while leaving more in mine at the same time.

honestly, i still think youre giving them more credit then they really deserve.
i dont know about the quality of updates. but i guess thats sort of subjective (most of the time).

considering CW is pretty much the only way to grind top tier weapons, i dont see why it should be seen like some sort of taboo zone where any sort of bullshit is tolerated.

a simple warning would help many people im sure, but this simple warning wont really be getting to anyone who would need it.

i dont know what you mean by forcing to be stupid, but the fact is that some people (whether stupid or not) fall for these sale techniques

in my opinion, whether the monetization model thats in place right now is or isnt predatory to some extent, it could be massively improved if they cared at least a little, and listened to the actual playerbase. but this isnt happening

It’s a unit price. The bonus is a bonus it’s not being generous but it’s still just a bonus.

You sure were pushing that I was downplaying psychological effects of it a moment ago…

I’ve seen people ask for them to sell lic 3d models of packs and builds. I’m sure they could find a fan that would pay for on-demand prints.

Milking players on what? Most of the time when I hear this it ends up being about the nerf hammer, meta changes, and how their favorite build doesn’t preform as well anymore.

I don’t see them as being that horrible. You can get everything off the market for the most part. It’s hardly P2W, though I would cast a little shade at trying to do second tier pack items. The issue with that though is that they leaked the recipe and people bought out all the items that day destroying the market aspect that normally fixes that issue.

I generally don’t have an issue of people paying to advance in PS ranges faster though. They don’t force anyone to do that though.

Most of them are via in-game resources and or reward boxes. Think paint and decor crafting… An actual gatcha game would have sold those for hard cash. It’s two different things really though I’ve attempted a few times to get them to replace them with crafting systems.

I probably would buy some too but I think they are over priced so I don’t. Same with the deluxe packs won’t buy them because I think they are over priced. I’d probably buy the garages from the deluxe packs if they were separate though.

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as i said before, no bonus exists. just because they take the price, split it and call the smaller price a bonus, its not a bonus. its like buying a phone on amazon for $1 except the shipping is at leat $800.

yes i was

that is even more niche than general merch

milking players on artificial metas, p2w items, and other predatory monetization techniques which i already mentioned like 5 times now.
also, what does “it ending up about nerf hammer, meta changes” have to do with this?

subjective. theyre by all means predatory

that is a lie

they do in CW / CC and to some extent even regular pvp

I’d like them to add more of it to their mini-passes to fluff those up a little more. They sort of do though, don’t they? They should do more of that. I think that might be a better way to sell that bling, and would help get those mini-passes off the shelf and out the door without adding man hours to their production cost.

The Battle Passes, and auxiliary Battle Passes are probably their strongest marketing model to date, IMO, and that has sort of gone through some challenging moments, but I think it’s on the right track.

I’m not a fan of the pack-part-crafting thing though. However this is usually related to end-game material for whales, or kids who, for whatever reason, think that they must have it all right now. I feel entirely unaffected by it. I can see that it’s a bit shifty, but mostly I don’t care…for reasons that would probably be found offensive.

You wouldn’t have a stable unit price if they did it the way your trying to make it seem like.

Meta is ultimately player generated, it might be disrupted based on what they do but it’s still players that formulate the new metas. There’s no items in the game which you can’t buy off the market. The only P2W that exists is how fast you can obtain the items. They even fixed the issue that use to exist around pack items having special structure parts.

It has to do with all the complaining you’ve been doing about your meta not being what you want it to be right now. Obviously they must be trying to sell you on a new meta. lol

Rolls eyes…

It’s all available on the market.

They probably could. I don’t really like the mini-passes though. Right now they are just a means to deal with the bp blueprint issue while deriving a profit from it. I don’t think that’s really fair for players that have paid for the original bp the blueprint is from though.

So they have an odd combo of upgrade event plus, pass kind of going. When they first came out I use to complain about them because they wouldn’t give free players access to the upgrades even. I’m happy they fixed that issue. I’m not a huge fan of the upgrade system or it being pushed so quickly. I can just picture the saturation of upgrade parts causing issues later. It does make getting matched sets easier though so there’s a bit of a trade off.

I’d rather have something more create for the upgrade system but people worry a lot about how much grind time things take. So generally don’t get many people to agree on any proposed systems I’ve ever come up with.

I’d really like them to just bite the bullet and do a crafting system for the base bling. I’m fine with the pack and bp bling being in events though.

They’ve only really attempted it once and it wasn’t really well received so I hope they just don’t do it again. They can change the recipe for that one part fairly easily.


There is no stable unit price

And its the updates from which the metas are born

Except for the fact that they control the massive sale fees and artificial scarcity, and also youre ignoring battle passes

I dont want any abhorrently overpowered meta. Thats why i complain

Point being? Just because you can pretend your game has some sort of player-ran economy, the game cant be p2w?

I can’t wait until @gangsterism finds out about why stores price things as $9.99 instead of $10.
He’s going to lose his mind.

It’s close enough to be 10.

Unless they just stop making new stuff it’s going to keep changing. I would worry more about what happens when they stop making new stuff.

A user run market is subjective to the values players are willing to trade on. Players not contributing to market is what creates the scarcity of some of the items to start with the game has never auto-populated the market. Same goes for the items out of bps if players don’t make the items there’s going to be less of them. We have players running around telling other players a quick way to make coin is to scrap decor when it hits certain prices too that leads to scarcity as well. Scarcity or not the people beating people up on the market are other players.

10% tax is not massive. Considering a player can craft from freely earned resources I even think it’s close to fair. I wouldn’t mind seeing the work bench fees going away though that fee really just slows down when someone can start affording to craft.

Your only considering them op because your losing against them. You probably wouldn’t even be saying anything if you felt like you were destroying them all the time.

Well thankfully they don’t sell us premium ammo, special fuel, and the similar that I’ve seen in games that are actually p2w. They’ve generally fixed any issue pointed out where on a technicality the game has locked a free player from all access to something in the game. Like workbenches on some of the first mini-passes they ran. I still am not fond of the mini passes but it’s good they took care of some of those issues.

I have a small issue with a few rewards in the current bp but I’ve yet to really bring that up. Like the miller is from a passed syndicate bp that should be open if you’ve already earned it. Same with thor and sleipnir as it’s in the mini-pass and especially with the current BP being Hyperborea.

Hyperborea though unlike founders and syndicate are missing the text they use to add saying (faction name) faction does not accept survivors into its ranks. Access to their parts opens up during special events in the… I’m not really sure what to make of that yet though.

Not having access to craft them yourself or myself still doesn’t turn it into a P2W situation though. It’s just not nice having to repay for something earned in a different event.

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If you buy the 100 dollar pack, its basically $34. Most all of the end up on Playstation at 7k (King mine pack) to 9k max (Catalina pack). For $100, you get around 22,000 coins. About 1/2 to 2/3 of a relic. When i bought my Punishers with cash years ago, i paid about $500 a gun. $1000 later, and i had a machine gun that i vouldnt armor, no perk, and less damage than a halfheated aspect.

The shitty MG i used against the purest, evilest meta ever in this game (Typhoon stunlock) has me absolutely unapologetic in using MGs that are dominant now. I never chased a meta in any game ive played, and i didnt here. I chose my weapon class and said ill get whatever out it that there is to get, be it more or less than whatever the other options are.

So i refuse to feel bad that my triple spectre wins by default vs 2 Elephants. Honestly, cannon players just need to hit a money shot once in a while and theyd be usuable. But every retarded tracked cannon user out there aims for center mass.

thats when we get stuck with the latest meta

no. i am considering them op because even people who play said meta say its cancer, and they dont want to play it.
saying its not op only shows that you dont play CW / high ps, which is fair, but then dont speak on top tier metas.

we can be glad. although i would argue fusing items is straight p2w, with some gambling mixed in.
and p2w in clan wars is a whole different story

except dogs i think stuff is reasonably balanced right now, including cannons

And if it’s one that you don’t like we’ll never hear the end of it…

I’m pretty sure they said braindead rather then cancer… At least on here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 4-5en shotguns get some balance work done though not much can be done about their convenient
hitbox size.

I’m just thinking it’s more normal at the speed and power to weight ratio these builds are moving at to be able to push people around than people are making it out to be. Weapon load out advantage generally goes to ones that aren’t explosive when playing like that though. Different days different PS’s for me I do get into 14k+ lobbies I have builds staggered down to 7k too. So I don’t have to suffer though an one particular ps’s issues. I don’t mind running into someone’s issue meta normally but groups of them can be annoying.

While I don’t like the fusion system I still wouldn’t consider it p2w. I would agree with you on the gambling aspects though.

I think your scope of what is really p2w is just too large. Being able to pay to get something faster doesn’t make it p2w especially when there’s others using them too in a mixed bag of pay in and earns.

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