Is this a bad idea?

I’m not sure it says much that you think the one type of gun you play is balanced, and that the longtime hard counter to your build needs to be nerfed.
That is pretty much how you would describe most of the balance complaints here.

It seems to me that the four energy shotguns aren’t overly strong right now. It’s mostly the 5 energy ones that are working well with the finwhale brick meta.
If the energy rework makes them each cost 11 energy (instead of 10), it could probably solve most of that problem. Making them just a bit more energy expensive will force builders to make some compromises. I think they already said that omamori is getting more energy expensive, right? It definitely deserves to be.

It’s mostly the gravastar and the hammerfall. 2 upgraded gravs with upgraded 2x seals and 1x cooler put out an insane amount of dmg on the tester 4274. That’s without a cabin buff too. The heat transfer is what causes the massive amount of dmg it blows away higher en weapons per dmg output. The hammerfall doesn’t even put out as much dmg. It should be heavier but that’s a common issue on the shotguns they’re all fairly light compared to their durability when looking at other weapons.

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I should try the dual gravastar thing. I haven’t actually seen many of those in the wasteland, at least compared to hammerfalls and breakers.
Most of the gravastar builds I see use three guns, which is hard to do effectively on a heavy cabin, except for Hugginn

for some amount of time

doesnt matter, it may as well be both right

fuses give you a massive advantage so i would consider it p2w, since its something that can be done at any PS without rasing the base PS of the fused part but its only done once your build itself is finished and you have everything you need

i would agree with you if the entry point to clan wars didnt require fused gold or relic weapons, or at minimum a truly incredible team (nonexistent at low CW score)

“except dogs” would usually mean everything other than dogs, which is what i said. what that translates to is “i think the game is generally well balanced apart from dog / melee builds with certain builds outperforming others in certain scenarios in a healthy manner”

gravastar is pretty damn strong, too strong id say. just like every single other type of dog build in the game

I’ve been avoiding getting them as I keep waiting for another nerf to come around. I see lots of them at the top end of CC but less in normal pvp. With 2 and that rad/cooler set up they cycle pretty fast on their own.

The event fusions are just pretty easy to get these days though. In some cases they are cheaper in the events than it is to do it the normal way.

CW and the uranium earning has other issues. I haven’t played it since they changed to best of 3. That’s one of my big pet peevs with it. The other is I prefer strict ps brackets over matchmaking. That I think would help lower the entry point cost.

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Also translates to “the game is balanced except for the hard counter to the one type of build I play”

I’ve dabbled with them on and off since they came out. Insane damage on the right setup, but the self-heat thing can be very frustrating. Especially when your victim’s explosives remove your guns.

My most successful builds were on Photon for the damage boost, Kami to prevent the self-heat (and for great speed), or Huginn for the cooling.

I do see dual builds in CC, but again, that self-heat thing is even more of a liability when only running two guns. You either need to hide them in a flamethrower style build, or use an omamori and some prayers,

no. hardcounter to almost every single type of build in the entire game

Says the player who only plays one type of build, and the one build most vulnerable to dogs.
You often assume your Crossout experience is universal, but you only experience a tiny fraction of what the game actually is.

i play gravastar dogs & high ps spiders. if literally every single person i have played CW with didnt complain about bricks, then i might even begin to agree with what youre saying

I own 86 types of weapons (I just counted).
You own two.

Maybe I’ve got a better idea of the big picture?

youve got 86 different weapons and presumably not a single higher than 15k ps build?

I’d have to look through my current builds to answer that. I go through phases of playing around 15kPS, then get bored and go back down to 9kPS. Most of my builds the last few months have been around 12kPS.

The last couple weeks I’ve been playing more high PS, in an effort to find the scary bricks you’ve been talking about (and testing out my own scary bricks).

I remember them being worse when they first came out. They had a shot removed if I remember correctly as one of the first balance fixes. Some how they still do a huge amount of dmg even with all the fixes.

I see them both ways. The viability in CC I think is potentially higher as there is less incidental fire. A cloaked rig can pick off players fairly easy mostly via the dmg output.

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I’ll have to give that setup a try. I know that the right cooling setup can really supercharge their damage, so maybe I can make it work.
Just feels so weird to only devote 8 energy to weapons.
I’m thinking Photon would be the best cabin option for a 9kPS build for CC?

I don’t think it matters as the dmg in 10 seconds exceeds that of most builds. I’d probably pick something fast myself though.

Maybe howl or favourite? I think Kami would raise my PS too much.
Photon would allow me to be a bit more bricky, which might be good.