Is this actally how many people play this game?

In the BfU leaderboards, there are just over 10k players. This is the last one on the list:

Is this how many people play the game? Those that don’t play BfU just stay at 1000 points, but what if they never played BfU at all? Would those players still be included in the list? What about those that quit, do the older players that don’t play anymore stay in the list? How long before they are kicked off this list?

I had assumed it was everyone who had played at least one BfU match, but now I’m wondering if it might be everyone who is in a clan and could theoretically participate?
I don’t think it’s every single player who has an account.

Either way player base isn’t that big these days. I’m always running into the same players over n over again n rarely meet new players.

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Most of this seems easy to find out. Just pm players and ask. Make a new account and check. Look at the many smarter friends in your list who havent logged in in 800 days.

depends on your PS, alot of new players are 2k-3k-4k
or you can change servers as well for CC and BFU,if that’s what u meant by seeing the same players all the time.


i just seen this,the devs are cleaning house i guess.i never seen ‘clan disbanded’

Mystery solved. Now you just need to name your platform and someone on that platform has to verify. Could be youre not showing up at all for others or youre showing up at 1000.

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