Its time to nerf the meta weapons

If you want developers to do something, just talking about it here is of limited use, we need to work together to present a unifying idea to developers in suggestions

Also, I wish the developers would publish data on parts usage win rates

Itā€™s a little late to stop strafing parts from being part of the game.
At least now we have several good ground-based strafing parts, so itā€™s not only hovers that get that advantage.

The way I see it, I donā€™t need every movement part to be equal, as long as they are all enjoyable to play. Iā€™m not big on how hovers feel, but they feel like they should. I like how augers feel and look, so Iā€™m more likely to play them and try to build and play around their limitations. If I get frustrated with their slowness, Iā€™ll switch to omniwheels or gerridas. Or if I want to build something really big, Iā€™ll go for heavy legs.
But I prefer the feel of non-strafing parts, so Iā€™m more likely to play wheels overall, and I accept that means that fixed angle weapons arenā€™t going to perform as well. Thatā€™s ok: there are lots of weapons that work well on wheels, so I play those until I get bored, and then play some strafing parts.

For me, all the movement parts are fun in some way, even if theyā€™re not all CW worthy, and even if they donā€™t all work well with all weapons. The differences keep the game interesting.
Having said that, heavy movement parts feel too sluggish. I would like more acceleration on those types of builds, but the new engine helps a lot with those situations.

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