Jakie gowno bylo takie jest

Nie gralem od 2018 roku bo mnie wkurzylo to ze czlowiek zbiera stara sie i tak wpierdal dostaje bo dziady ruskie jezdza na legendach a graja 3 dni - teraz pogralem tydzien i widze ze jakie gowno bylo takie jest. - na poziomie do 4k ps lataja z broniami z poziomu epik albo legend a czlowiek co zalozy dopiero konto dostaje wpierdal przez trzy miesiace za nim sie czegos dorobi zbieraja po bitwie 5-9 zlomu bo wiecej nie dostanie bo go ubili. Za to widze progres i to duzy - w huj wieksze nastawienie jest na sciaganie z graczy real kasy - jak kurwa nie wykupisz to nie pograsz bo cie ruskie zajada - no kurwa gram w kilkadziesiat gier i takiego gowna to nie widzialem dawno - no moze jeszcze WoT. Grafika sie nie zmienila przez tyle lat, mapy doszly moze dwie, czesci do twozenia tez moze lilka wiecej - no broni pare doszlo nowych - po za tym jakie gowno bylo takie jest - milego grania ja wywalam tym razem nawet konto bo jak zawsze staram sie osiagnac cos w grach w ktore gram to tu niestety mam wyjebane - nie bede gral w gre ktora nie daja rownych szans graczom - no kto korwa widzial zeby gracza z 2ch dni wpuscic na palanta ktory na wozie ma np 3x kusze zamontowana albo 2x Helios - no takie kurwy grac na swoim poziomie nie potrafia, dostaja tam wpierdal to graja z nowicjuszami i sie na nich wyzywaja - zenada - ok koncze, nawet nie odpisujcie czy komentujcie bo ja po tym wpisie koncze z ta gra definitywnie wiec coi za tym idzie nawet tu nie zajrze zeby poczytac wypociny tych co beda sie starac bronic polityki tej gry czy tych co mnier poproa - mam wyjebane na ruskie gowno i tyle


Language? I’d like to translate.

It’s Polish, I recognised it right away. I’m not Polish myself, but I patronize a few Polish establishments who have fantastic food (even if they can’t explain to me what it is).

The Op is saying:

I haven’t played since 2018 because it pissed me off that you try hard and get screwed because Russian idiots play on legends and they play for 3 days - now I’ve played for a week and I see that the shit was like that. - at a level up to 4k PS, they fly with epic or legendary level weapons, and the person who just opens an account gets screwed for three months, before he earns anything, they collect 5-9 pieces of scrap after the battle because he won’t get any more because they killed him. However, I see progress and it’s a lot - there is a greater focus on taking real money from players - if you don’t fucking buy it, you won’t play because the Russians will eat you - well, I play dozens of games and I haven’t seen such shit in a long time - maybe even WoT . The graphics haven’t changed for so many years, maybe two maps have been added, maybe a few more parts to create - well, a few new ones have been added - apart from the shit that was there - enjoy the game, I’m even deleting my account this time because, as always, I’m trying to achieve something in the games I play, unfortunately I don’t give a damn - I won’t play a game that doesn’t give equal chances to the players - who the hell has ever seen a player from 2 days old be let in on a jerk who has, for example, 3x crossbows mounted on his car or 2x Helios - that’s it whores can’t play at their own level, they get beaten up there, they play with newbies and insult them - it’s a shame - ok, I’m done, don’t even reply or comment because after this entry I’m finally done with this game, so I won’t even look here to read the comments of those who will try to defend the policy of this game or those who support it - I don’t give a damn about Russian shit and that’s it

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now tell this to someone who can actually do something about it lmao

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