Just my opinion on something

cuz not everyone has millers and the servers are already slow

1.) Yeah well since they it turned more so into a cash grab game. Gaijin need to put money back into the game getting new servers or optimizing the game to run better.

2.) Give the crossplay but dont half do it give full freaking crossplay and be done with it. PC, Xbox, PS and might as well add Crossout to Nintendo also.

  1. Or this option pull the plug on Crossout and stop letting the players suffer from lack of players and laggy servers and start a new game.

  2. Keep all vet players away from new players. Give new players a 3 month period where they dont have to play with vet players. Have vet matches and noob matches, I tried to help player base many times telling people come check out the game. Clan vets run them low powerscores with the messed up builds after 4699 it stars getting more balanced but below that powerscore its a nightmare if ya dont know what your doing. Any new players get so discouraged from the vets smashing them ever game the same people over and over on XBOX anyhow because such low player base.

  3. Also do something to RAID they need to be all redone make them feel fresh quick as possible.

  4. Maybe do something with Adventure mode making it worth going in there. Maybe get all the main materials in there to farm. (Scrap, Copper, Wires, Plastic, Batteries, Fuel, Electronics)
    Also if Casings and Coupons are still going to be used in this game have them in there too.

An finally give out higher amounts of materials after completing world events with a chance of getting a blue crate with a (High probability of common, Mid probability of Rare, and low probability of getting a legendary of anything in game including paints and stickers and appearance items. An high chance of getting Engineer Badges. In Adventure mode.

imagine crossout on the nintendo ds or gameboy advance lol those will be the only devices for crossout

lol, :stuck_out_tongue: Idk about that it probably look like pacman :smiley: hahahaha but on Nintendo switch :stuck_out_tongue:

Pacman verses Psycho Pete of Crossout lol

oh u mean the NES nintendo entertainment switch lol i tried to think of a better E word

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If Gaijin did pull the plug on Crossout and its dead. I would love a water based apocalypse game like waterworld movie or what be amazing is Gaijin doing a Space themed game.

Think some building spaceships would be freaking fun with space combat then they could go crazy with weapon types and maybe even other then just battling maybe have it an exploration type game like No Man Sky or something and allow you to have bases of operation and things.

I like Starfield but sucks its not multiplayer. And Space Engineers is just to freaking complex.

thats the thing i dont understand war thunder a great game huge player base, crossout also a great game but over the years have became grindy nd many ppl come and go, like why not just have a team that actually cares bout the game work on the game, make uranium alil easier for ppl to get nd watch how huge the player base will get, its just that simple, ppl say the devs care bout cash well what i just said will bring in massive bank is they look at the bigger picture, im not trying to sound rude but im bout business myself nd its just a thought

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Yeah crossout is fun when its random, But seeing the same try hard people every match gets old fast its almost as bad as doing the same raid for 5+ years. It stale.

An yeah im close to getting relics after been playing off and on since the very start on xbox. But it just crazy how expensive stuff is.

Also why war thunder does better then crossout because there no building and people having to figure out whats a good build design. An vet players dont always care to help a noob to teach them good ways to build. Need a adopt a noob program in crossout :stuck_out_tongue:

All vet players go that play crossout still go out and get you a noob to teach the art of Crossout and being good at building and what works and don’t. My challenge for all of you.

honestly i dont mind facing the same ppl as long as its not a group thing cuz i know their gonna aim for me cuz im more of a threat then the rest of the team cuz well most of the time my team is new players, why things r so high is mostly cuz top clans they run the relic scene, nd many have other accounts that they have spent on more packs to sell to them selves at a low price especially kapkan nd king packs cuz those cant be crafted nd if u ever hear ppl complaining bout how they lost 1000’s of coin to the market bot arbiter thats why trying to sell to them selves lol

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Exactly. I get targeted too because I am a known face on Crossout. It sucks because i dont run with others often too. I run solo. So squads of players that know me target me. THEN BAM!

I run lots of mid and low end powerscore build can totally run some 10K plus powerscore builds just dont do so often. When I play lower end powerscores I dont really run messed up builds either just run really well built normal builds like shotty or machine guns or something like that.

thats why many change their gamer tag so ppl stop targeting them but bots jeeezzz ppl wanna call ppl hackers on xbox lol bots they got aimbot and wall hacks going on no joke

Oh yeah bots can be like a fly you cant get rid of. I know how they target though normally just go out of there view and let them target something else and come back. Like Athena bots and destructor bot and cannon and few other bots they are horrible with there god aim.

Its one of the worse things about running Heli’s you get target so fast because it so easy for the bots to spot you first.

ohh no i caught a bot wall hacking nd aimboting lol i think i still have the clip or i might have to link it if i dont have it on my xbox still

Yeah from the very start of the match the bots know exactly where everything is. Just like when there one player left or one bot left just follow the bots on your team they will lead ya right to the last one alive. :stuck_out_tongue:

i cant find it so i must have deleted it to make room for the many clips ive taking that i still need to upload lol https://youtu.be/cnFvD9aIuBI?si=_dsiYoKvkwnK7mCa

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This. Lots quit when they figure out how long it takes to get the “best” weapons.

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best as in weak lol cuz ppl to scared to play at a ps more then 10k cuz at 21k they suck unless u have porc other then that its like hey bots ive come to give u some tickles while they bots blast ur ass with not stop masty shots :joy: :joy:

I dont think MG’s need ammo. Efficiency on fused radiators needs a nerf, that is the most overpowered fuse in the game by far. DPS weapons can be directly assessed off of their heatcycle damage, which goes up tremendously with efficiency fused radiators. The one thing I tell every new player to do is have a couple fused chills because they are flat out superior to seals. I dont think seals should have a movement based perk buff either, the KA2 doesnt have a fancy perk nor does the power unit.