Just some random old forum screenshots I found

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Some other bits I didn’t want to read so grabbed some funny bits, some things that never change adn remember when devs actually replied and talked to us? Good times… I also had quite a rap sheet


Skula really has to start banning people on the bug server tracker that place is a hot mess.


:grin: Those were the days…sometimes.


I do miss the battle count they had on the old forums under a players name, you could see who was a serious crossout player and who was not by that.


Half of those didn’t even show up though…

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lmao, I remember that, poor Woodyrojo scrolled through pages of people telling them to sit on their drone change :joy:

Also, Crimson being an unsufferable, obnoxious, self-absorbed dumbass while telling people they’re “toxic”. A classic. Was it Crimson 6 : the Return of the Vengeance of the Toxic Avenger, or Crimson 7 : Toxic Avenger in Space?
She probably told 95% of the playerbase that they were “a minority” for disagreeing with her :joy: I can’t even wrap my head around the fact she believes it’s an insult… if you told me I agree with the majority I’d start having cold sweats and questionning my critical thinking.


What’s really noticeable is how everything was better and people were actually trying to help a game they loved. If nowadays devs asked me my opinion on their trash test server changes, I’d tell them to stop trolling, or pay me for my feedback if they’re actually that clueless.

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and everything was well documented in threads and sub threads, nothing was lost over time of pushed out of the front page… you could go back years and find things. Now on Reddit everything is only up as long as it’s popular and even on here the one page we have for Discussion is like 15 threads long instead of sub categories…


I mentioned that so many times…

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Old forum > New forum