Merry Christmas to all you waste land drivers btw…
That VW with the Light aricraft body on top of it is hilarious! btw I can make the vehicle of the 4th photo on Crossout
I low key like this one:
Me too the side fenders remind me a little of the left and right paw structure parts already in the game. I could almost highlight the other fit parts that I’d love to see around them.
You could make it for sure. Even the stripes are there in the market as decals
Not sure why I had all these saved on my phone. Probably reference research from when I got those tank tracks and wanted to make some fun trucks.
I always end up stashing this type of stuff and then find it way later.
LOL keeping it simple
why is there so many trucks with M3 tracks…?
Why not?
My partner knows how much I love Crossout, and gave me this little rusted out flamethrower truck model that some local artist made for Christmas:
nice,but we are going to have to Nerf it…
'is that an old pioneer turntable?
Yep, got a couple 1200s, although they don’t see a lot of action anymore.
I think I might try making that little truck with a jockey cabin and a Draco. Maybe slap some active melee on it to make it a bit more functional.
This post is the reason ive now seen Mystery Men. Great flick, aged extremely well with all the superhero movies being churned out.