Mih. Easy fix for that would be for Devs to remove the turrets physical model completely for allies. And o Ly enemies can I teract with the turrets or the turret dropper. I say easy fix, but i’m not sure if Devs game engine can handle that.
You can stop your allies with the jobbuko.fix it
Well wheres the guy. Wheres that guy that can fix these problems for the clan wars especially that. Battles is 50%50 anyways but the pro guys need their fix.
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You know the mission in awakening with the mandrake. Why not have those things that fall from the sky as the kapkan tips. Btw kapkans dont work in anything over 115kph speeds if you wanna easy beat it again.
Please stop spamming forum with the same topic.
Make one topic and post in that one.
No one wants Kapcan buffs, or any other kapcan like weapons.
Why not some players like to be trap artists especially to the agressive ones that need a sit down once in a while. Let frank have his weapon of choice saved and fixed because interceptor is such a dirty move on all placed items and all it takes is 3 dudes using that thing to kill any trap artists chances. A small explosion at the end of kapkan could help make it a point score and alot of the drones need a buff with a deactivate device on the board. Kapkans was the priciest epic weapon we had it would only be fair to the ones who spent the most for that to be at least saved just a small margin. But the kapkan has been fixed on errors for the most part except the old occasional flip from hitting it funny. But in the end lots of good trap players suffer now and its making them using that weapon to be more hard to use and to get points.
This thread makes me want to buy a lovely kapkan.
… So I can salvage it for materials and post the pics here
Stop accuse me for spam for no reason ,just because you don’t like my topics.all my topics are different.
share the love
Stop shilling for such a toxic crutch. The only thing a cuckpkan need is to be used less. Make it a 3 energy module or straight up 4 like the Jubokko.
Um… But they are spam. They are all about kapkan needing a buff in your opinion.
A topic about fix disconnection in CB ,a topic about we need crossplay. Lol i’m not spamming.
I agree ,too much rush build in the game.
Kapkans was 3 seconds before and got nerf to 2 seconds and the community agreed to that. Go make a build with 6 kapkans then if you are not happy with rushers. You do not make damage but just catch enemies one by one until your team kill them, it’s pretty toxic gameplay, maybe it’ll suit you.
thanks for the suggestion ,this kind of build seem to be super fun.