Did some Levi testing in customs and found that the Keen does not increase the range of the Leviathan when equipped with a Doppler. Why doesn’t it? Is it a bug? Is it per design? This is especially important for Levis running Scorps or other long range weapons, these weapons are not getting used to the best of their ability.
I play alot of levi invasions, and use a doppler. Half the time the team has no idea where the levi is, especially when it’s spawning. Maybe no one is using radios either for all I know. In this situation, best is to stay in the center of the map or risk being obliterated if you go looking for it by yourself.
Could just be a hierarchy thing, Doppler takes the primary role as it has the higher PS and will remain until destroyed so the keen doesn’t do anything until this point.
Keen will only show you enemies that are in the line of sight. So if there is any cover between you and them, it won’t help you see them.
Doppler will let you see enemies behind cover, but the range is a lot less.
They should work together fine, but maybe I should test it again.
Are you sure the enemies that your Keen isn’t detecting are both within range and not hidden behind cover? There aren’t many maps that allow you to see all the way to the enemy spawn anymore (in fact, they may have fixed all the maps to prevent that by now).
I use Maxwell most often, because all my current builds are made for 9kPS (and also because it’s easier to hide in small compact builds).
I have a fused Listener that I use when I don’t have enough energy for a detector. The only time I use Keen anymore is for higher PS long range builds, and that’s not something I do often anymore.
Yes I’ve tested. If you take 2 Levis and put them in a custom you can see each other but they wont automatically shoot because they have exceeded the range of their Doppler, even upgraded for range. When it comes to clan and Levis the Doppler really doesn’t reach that far. A Keen reads like it extends this range but maybe I’m not understanding the purpose of the Keen correctly. Maybe it only extends range if there is no radar installed? If so, it should state that. It’s looking like a bug to me.
Is this only on leviathans, or have you tested it on normal builds too?
They shouldn’t interfere with each other if we’re allowed to mount both.
I swear I used to have a median build where I used both a Maxwell and a Listener, but I don’t think I ever double checked to see if both were working. But I think I would have noticed if the Listener wasn’t doing anything when sniping.
It’s just a normal radar. I use to use them fairly often together with detectors. Using it in combo with a detector does not extend the detector’s behind cover range. It will however extend is the regular not behind cover radar range. It should work the same on a levi.
I think the verbiage and descriptions are what is confusing you. You have the following types of radar in game:
Built in cab radar.
Radar (This is what your calling an extender but it’s really just a regular radar).
Radar detector.
While they say extends in the description what it’s doing is replacing the value of the built in cab radar. They don’t buff each other but they will take the higher value for any of the aspects native to the type.