Kitty litter box prizes!

Hello fellow waste landers! I thought I would jump on and say Good luck to those whom participated in wasteland wonders. I wish everyone a handsome reward out of this strange new endeavor XO has introduced.
Will you win the gold or get the kitty’s :poop: buried treasure ? Sure many will be the latter … Joking of course! GLHF!

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I am curious how many of us will win some coin. Let’s post our results here!


Submitted 105 and got nothing.
I thought with all the whine about online droping, wait times etc the chances are good to get at least something. Turns out I only wasted resources and some time. Never been fond of competition and lottery as mostly people waste time and resources and get nothing which is pathetic.
Thinking someone got 25k coin just for few tasks, even monkeys understand that kind of frustration. And some players even won twice and maybe even more. Pathetic experience overall.


I decided to go all in with the 105 as well and didn’t win anything

Honestly not feeling too bad about it, i was already pretty certain I’m not winning jackshit and also managed to already buy the stuff I would have bought with any possible wins anyway on saturday. Of course winning the main price and having money for a singular relic would have been neat, but then again it’s only 1 relic with no chance in hell to get another one so it would have had to be Flash, possibly an odin but I hate the includement of odin into the game so much that i would not feel comfortable supporting this idea by buying one even if I won the money for it.


I don’t think I would mind if they just dropped it like some sort of twitch prizes or whatever, but doing challenges and stuff to get nothing… f*ck that.

I would made a bunch of IMP builds which I still don’t have for whatever reasons. Now I have even less desire to buy them as devs remind us once again what ****** they are.
I don’t even know what was the point, it’s not like they attracted new players to the game with this. Just another incompetent stunt…
Now that I think of it, they actually pretty much made devaluation of ingame coins rising prizes of uncratable parts, nerfing farm etc. What a m**ons.

I received nothing but a hair ball from that mangey cat. only 38 paws submitted Just time lost. I won’t be supporting any more events of that nature.

Exactly my thoughts.


crossout is worse than growtopia i wonder when it will die out


Some say it did long ago. They try pretty hard to make it happen though.


trying pretty hard to make us play and spend money on the game
and the market’s taxes make a lot of people loose money or make selling and reselling most of the items worthless


cant even make proffit from crafting and thanks to the lottery the market`s prices will go up

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I noticed majority of winners are from the ru sector, they must have mixed console players there as well so overall base is enough to make 1000 look like rather meager number.


Crossout dev’s be like

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I won the 5000 coin prize. Can’t remember how many tokens I had submitted, but I think it was 30-something.



Same here 5000 clams, and i entered 36…Congratulations…

I can’t stop laughing… Kitty litter…LOLO


:sunglasses:Good to hear ! Enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:


80 or 90 submitted got nothin’. Those 4-man raids cost me resources because even Patrol are probably 4x better return. If a similar event pops up it’ll get the middle finger from me.


Mercy that’s a can of worms you just opened! The market tax doesn’t go to failing server for upgrades ! :roll_eyes: It solely drains profits from ones personal market sales to force purchasing actual game currency.

Even so when buy sell prices differ more than 10% it’s potential for profit. Lots of people are playing market more than game.
But I agree… those 10% aren’t tax, they are just waste, another coin sink to make people loose progress in game.

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I won 500c.

I will never enter another one, for surely I will lose from now on.

only part of this that cost me anything was the recycling of a few white headlights.
The emblem spending was kinda an already planned thing, I just spaced it out (tired of electronics raids so I was just going to xchange for whatever electronics I could). Instead of spending them all at once, I logged on and saw the contest and spaced it out.


I understand that :100: I do the same when I need them.