It can be lots of fun.
It’s like having a reusable lancer.
It’s not because is next step or maybe could be, idk.
With my drone build…
But yesterday i was pursuing a guy with double reapers i killed him twice, he killed me once.
That was surreal.
Yesterday i also hunted down a couple of walkers , one of them was actively running from me.
Of course there is also the other side of the coin.
Hmmm…I may have to try that! Not a bad idea at all… 
Can be the land of milk and honey for lancers but also can be hell.
A lancer with 5 kills in a single game, you don’t see that everyday
and…and i did it with a art build
No engine, no radar, no cloak .
Oh…another thing lancers could be good at… retrieving the pots
there were times were depending where i spawn, i could retrieve my own pot of blue glowing gunk.
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how do you have lances that close to the ground and still be able to drive?? dont ehty scrape the ground at all?? hills must be a challenge for you.
No, just full steam ahead, if i get an incline i can fly and all,
No problem with the terrain, but i have problems turning with the booster are on, and it has an huge turning circle…and the wigs often clips my team mates that have no business in be at point blank range.
But i’m thinking of convert my kamikaze plane into a suppository of doom ( take out the wings ) 
If you don’t mind the PS jump, you can add separately-controlled boosters on the sides (left-side boosters turn the car to the right, right-side boosters turn the car to the left); I did this with my lancer build, and can literally pivot on a dime.
Yep, I do this as well. Have a few lance builds in my expo on xbox.