Latest update another turd from the devs

I don’t usually use language like that for a title, but it fits 100%. I now have to rebuild 12 cars which are now overweight, or settle for going 25 kph. I like building new stuff, but there a shitload of difference between building new stuff versus having to REBUILD older cars in the hopes they’ll still be viable, and that’s no guarantee. Can you tell I’m pissed off?


Update: Was talking with a clanmate and here’s the deal…when I click the “info” button for a car, it says the thing is now overweight and the speed will be anywhere from 50-80% lower than what it was before the update. But when I play it, it operates as it did before. So I have to test all 12 builds and see what actually happens. Either way, the devs have made the “info” panel useless, since it is not reporting what will really happen when you use the car. Can you tell I’m still pissed off?

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I don’t understand why they keep messing with the UI.
The new crafting UI is cluttered and reminds me of 1998 internet web pages. There was nothing wrong with the old UI and it was less screen clutter.
And why does all the new big pop up windows only have access to buying stuff off the market and the little small icons on the bottom right actual crafting selection?
If I open the crafting window I would think the crafting options would at least be featured instead of the “buy part off market” option.
The use of two different places to do crafting on the same page when there used to be one is not the smartest design I have seen.

As for the balance changes, I’m all for balance changes. But then I have almost everything so something of mine will be buffed and or nerfed every balance patch.

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Hey Patents, great post!

Because Crossout is in maintenace mode and has been released, the resources (many of the personal) are shifted to other things. Those folks who are left have the unglamorous job of keeping the game going. Product Managers balance fixes and events to keep the lights on. UI changes or updates are part and parcel with keeping the game updated.

Now we as players might not like the UI updates but there is usually a reason. (Not sure what that might off hand.)

Another way to look at it is this. When the Dev’s don’t create new maps, events, weapons, cabins, modules, CK’s and decor we should start to worry. This includes balancing challenges.

FYI - I am sure you know that there have been balance issues since open beta. But at least they keep trying. The more stuff they add it’s like a house of cards. Hard to fix one thing without breaking others.

So… at the end of the day we have a game to play. Maybe not perfect, and the events not what we wish for, but the lights are still on.

Hope that bitter pill is a little easier to swallow mang!




what builds did you have to rebuild? is it shotgun bricks?

I want tradeable range paints. All you get to start is grey, and I finally got the light tile one (checkerboard pattern) after recycling, but I don’t usually recycle, I just did it once or twice. You can already trade range parts, like building blocks and amusement rides (to an extent), AND you can trade vehicle paints, so why not trade range paints too? :sob:


I thought this was a pretty good update, even if it broke a couple builds of mine and heavily nerfed my best CC build.

Haven’t played much with the new crafting interface, but it looks like it provides a lot of things people have been asking for when it comes to crafting.


I’ve not being playing lately, what happened?

Don’t tell me i have to rebuild my builds yet once again, again.

Check the update thread for all the details.
For me, the change in energy cost broke my Narwhal build (not a big deal, I can rebuild), and nerfed my Gravastar build (which is completely justified).

yep my cannon build got screwed over to. i had 2 hermits on the back alongside 2 triangle tracks for the tonnage and for damage absorption as well. that build got ruined and now i have to rip off the wheels and figure something out for it… SIGH.

And my BlueGoldFish keeps getting stronger and stronger with each update, keep on buffing that omnibox devs gladly appreciated

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If it a UI glitch they’ll fix it. Maybe already have, there’s been some unannounced update.
I didn’t notice any tonnage rework in the update.