Lava paint

As a xbox user and long time player of crossout. Somehow i missed when the Lava paint came out. I personally think its pretty stupid theres no other opportunity to get this paint. DEVS please bring the lava paint back to xbox market…I’d even spend real money to get the paint in a pack if only 1 would resurface again.


Try entering a $$ request for purchase even though none are being offered in the market currently. It may help obtain you one. I can agree, There are many different paints people want that are for some reason “Taboo” and can only be obtained in special ways. re: events & ghosts of event past. (Get out your Ouija board to summon them ! LMBO) Time to revive them . Gaijin floods us with major BP’s along with numerous mini BP’s to earn more revenue with some of the wildest eye candy. Some how they over look the aspect of actually running the store’s customization shop to make even more revenue and also make clients happy. The fact if you purchased EVERYTHING in the custom shop, Rarely items are added or deleted from the past purchase due to only being able to purchase as it is currently designed, Once you purchase some thing once it remains in the shop as “Purchased” . And your custom shop items are rarely changed deeming the shop stagnant. (Yawn) SMH I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around their business concept either as many other clients have discovered. So many possibilities for revenue they are vastly over looking. Keep your eye on the market place, In time someone will want to dump their can of Lava paint for a price.

Problem is they made it untradeable or aka unsellable. Looks like we can earn it in the upcoming clash of engineers for only top 100. Maybe i can get some of yall to vote for me…my build is named KINGofKINGS. :slight_smile:

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it’s happening all over again

Dev’s be like: 8g8s96