Let me say this

Im always hearing people complain ohh devs are trash game is trash, devs only care bout the money theirs no content blah blah blah, now let me say this be lucky you people get 2 season passes cuz what other games do that, plus they are giving events back to back to back none stop unlike before where we got events once in awhile, they give us free gifts sure thats once in awhile but still, theirs many things in game you people dont see but you people will just complain bout everything and not actually looking at what the devs are actually doing, if people stopped complaining bout everything just cause they want the game how they want it, to make their ego higher then ever, plus how ive been seeing it the devs are treating the community like kids, ever heard the term you wanna act like kids your gonna get treated like kids, now you wonder why we mostly get stickers in game well theirs your answer


There is tons of things about this game, but it all comes down to one thing that matters most - can you fight effectively in pvp or are you just entertainment for current meta. So everyone judges the game from how much fun they having, and why shouldn’t they?

After they nerfed income per battle in all the modes that is. Do you understand how long it takes to have relic? What about fused one?

10% contents are free stuff 90% contents is stuff you must pay for. Should I be happy they add more shop items in dead/dying game? Nah.

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honestly relics to me r garbage, only relic that is good is the porc nd ya before this season it would take 1 year to get a relic but if people in the game werent so d, unce then market prices wouldnt be so low nd ppl could actually make good coin like back in the day but because these d, unce ppl r being feed b.s from d.f’s then more ppl would be able to get relics, do u remember when scrap sold for 50 coin for 100 scrap

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what, are we lucky because we get to spend money twice instead of once?


ppl should be happy their not getting thrown $100 DLC on top of paying $100 for the game nd honestly i never buy the small season pass nd i havnt bought the big season pass in 2 seasons why u might ask cuz nobody is forced to buy them

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i dont think anyone is getting thrown $100 DLC for a $100 game (apart from tarkov who got eaten for it), but crossout is a free game so its slightly justified that they give you more options to spend money. but they could still improve what they do now

they do or should i say they try to without all the complaining, if anyone pays any attention instead of tunnel vision, these devs arnt as big as rockstar, ea, activision, ubisoft, ect ect meaning they dont have the engine to just go bam look at all this goodness thats why many things before they get released they bring it out for a short time as an event to see how their servers will hold up, like when 2.0 got released it was bout upgrading the engine nd introducing new stuff ect, if u look around u will see many things but ppl dont take the time to realize anything in the game

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They definitely troll their playerbase. I’m thinking the new cab is a troll, but IDK. It’s pretty bad, artistically. Unusually bad, like intentionally bad. A lot of people love it too, say it’s beautiful, which they probably think is hilarious. I’m still marveling at why they like it so much. I just don’t get it, unless it’s a gag. Same with the new wheels. They look like another troll, along the lines of their April fools remark about old game balance vs new game balance.

There is the whaler themed faction and battle passes, and even a cab called “the Whaler.” We live on a farm with a circus on it. They had creepy baby monitors all over the farm at one point. I don’t think many, if any, of the players get the gags either, which might make it even funnier to them.

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I don’t think it’s beautiful, per say, but I do think it looks cool. It looks very ravager-esqe. I think its color scheme will help a lot.

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Man, I thought you were describing an EA game, but then you left out the part about paying monthly for ad removal, too.

They are gushing over it on reddit.

I think you’re right, the skin and color may help a lot.

the only thing i like is the rad

I don’t even need to look at who upvoted OP, I can guess with my psychic powers.

Who do you think it is?

man theirs alot including those plus monthly bs to play online on console, play station was cool in the ps3 days but they fell in with microsoft nd became just as dumb lol

I looked already, but I read OP when it was fresh and not liked yet, and was tempted to @Poony4u because we rarely see so much positivity towards the game and he’s like the last person here to think the game deserves some :stuck_out_tongue:

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its a company, you cant have a personal relationship with it. it wont get its feelings hurt by criticism and certainly wont act based on hurt non existing feelings. this reads like some kind of stockholm syndrome.

apparently hes even willing to side with the canadian devil on his zealous quest to pretend that this is a good game.