Let's complain about guns again

A lot of that was because people were playing it at really low PS. Remember a while back before Kaiju was released the Devs had this great idea of calcing PS via Energy and rarity. Well they didn’t leave any room in the calc to just add to the PS. That’s what really caused the issue if it being a pain.

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i tried the kaiju in the event and… it was really hard to hit enemies with it. when it did hit it would 1 shot most of the weaker enemies. as you go up in the waves it gets harder to 1 shot them. the problem is the reload speed is ungodly slow and the charge time is pretty bad with no indication of when its fully charged… except if you keep your eyes mashed onto the icon for the gun…

did you take off 2 guns on him or just 1?
from that clip it looks like one just seems to go poof and is replaced with another… xD

2 Reapers lol

When it was Hitscan it was stupid, I had a clip taking off 2 Scorpions but the clip didn’t record properly so I use the reaper one to show how dumb it was… I have more I could make into gifs but damn this forum had a 4mb limit from the early 2000s

Fusing is not the answer, cause if you want to fuse it.
range will be a thing and perhaps resistance to all type of damage.

haa… but there’s the thing, Kaiju as a big survivability. and you never know while face hugging a kaiju build, when he’s firing the gun, you shoot as much as possible in the hopes of degunning it, but you never know… in many cases he doesn’t have to fire full charge, part of the charge will be enough to render you inert or blast you from the map

could you imagine if the kaiju had knock back like the toadfish?
each bullet having its own knockback and as you keep landing hits the knockback gets more and more ridiculous. that would be HILARIOUS on hovers. lol imagine spinning them around like a beyblade xD