Let's Hear Your Crazy Weapon Ideas

I had a vision last night of a Crossout version of the spike strips that cops use. The difference would be that the spikes would be just tall enough to snag hovers, and would look appropriately mad max. Of course the launcher would be huge, and it would need to consume a lot of energy.
Would do passive melee damage to any cars that run into it, provide some destructible cover, and potentially tangle up many vehicles. However, since it is destructible, wedges and melee builds could attempt to smash through, at the risk of hurting themselves.

Love it… that’d be hilarious… Especially if you matched it with a high speed rig, cloak & went hover hunting.

Maybe have the impulse damage/reaction that the bigger crossbows have… knocking your opponent over or back.

I like it… along with Wolfy’s flipping arm. Either sound hilarious.

I’ve thought of something along these lise… some sort of “wall building” mechanic like you have in some FPS games. Imagine being able to temporarily block passages in some of the maps. That’d be interesting.

Oh lawd… with as dumb as some of the players are… :rofl:

What if there was a weapon that fires fire like a machine gun but of course limited range 4 this iz would be like aurora but dealing more damage

So basically a turret that can’t shoot?

Yes in a way, but you hurl them down range rather then dropping them; so while in flight it can do some higher damage via the momentum. Then as the large projectile comes to a stop it persists for a while afterwards as a sizable obstacle. The main gist of the idea is to have a sizable primitive catapult though. I wouldn’t mind if the projectile exploded after time or post primary contact or something similar. (I’d be satisfied as long as it isn’t fire damage.)


I wish the Ripper was more like this.

I also wish they would stop calling the Ripper a mine layer.


Tow trucks really remind me of catapults probably for obvious shape reasons.


I can picture this flinging a large modified engine block down range really easy.

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one of the few times I actually had the weapon that was bugged when it was bugged!


Lol, good times

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I had an Idea for a Nuke Launcher. It’s essentially an artillery weapon with 3-4 ammo and a 20-25 second reload time Has a blast radius That’s a bit bigger than an incin puddle and its perk is that when destroyed It explodes for the same damage and has a blast radius the same size as the Normal Explosion Damage and Blast radius scaling with the amount of ammo left. (Note: you can only have one on the build at one time and The blast radius can only get 2.5-3 times larger)

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You should not know very well the power of nuclear bombs

A new kind of a skinner, that can not attach onto enemy players, but it can attach to a single enemy drone, flying drone or turret, excluding the Fuze, Vulture and Annihilator drones. Jubokko are excluded too because they are mines rather than drones. You can have multiple of these on your build but it’s 1 drone per 1 of these drone stealing skinners. You can’t stal teammates drones or turrets with it, it will fail to attach jut like it would do if you were to shoot it at an enemy build.

If you do attach onto an enemy drone with it, that drone is now yours and gains immortality for X seconds, before it blows up when the time runs out. How much time was left on the drone originally has no effect on this timer, this one overrides it. Detaching the line manually also instantly destroys the drone. You can drag the drone around (excluding turrets) as much as you can with your build.


The Phoenix can be used against flying drones, both enemy and friendly. When used against a friendly flying drone it will pin the drone to a wall or player (making it a mounted machinegun) or onto an enemy player making it like a vulture drone.

I would like to see a legendary Tempura melee weapon. It has a longer reach so you could do drive buy damage instead of a head on ram. My feeling with the Syndicate they would prioritize tactics that rely on speed and maneuvering.

To balance this weapon, it would have a fast cycle time to be reused quickly. I would take one or two extra energies from the original depending on damage. I am not sure what the durability or mass would be.

Great Topic! Thumbs up!


Are you talking about Draco?

The Tempura is a weapon that came out with Syndicate faction. It’s almost never used right now.

You can try using it, as it is a great threat to players who put generators or ammo under their cars


try out using the Savior Cabin with Tempuras, it’s a beast!


Thank you Mang!

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It’s my current set up for Monster Truck Monday. 4 Temps with the savior cab. But, still, you’re right that there shuold be one that can have a longer flame…maybe like a samurai flame sword that takes a powerful swipe as we drive by…acts like the plasma ring in the garage and it just shaves off what ever it slices through.